These 35″ Petite quill flags named River of Heaven headed to Scotland where a previous D4Y Giveaway winner was completely blessed by their arrival. I’ll let her share her story. I compiled this from a couple emails we exchanged 🙂
Hello!!!! They are here!!!!
Well….what can I say? I was surprised (in a good way) when I opened my parcel and saw the colours of the quills – it was not what I was expecting. However, I then opened the letter and there was the reason!
I think I may have mentioned before to you that I was given a word last year about flags and I followed through on it after much prayer. Within the word I was given there were specifics to do with my Orkney heritage and mentioning release of that heritage within me to be used here, in Orkney, praying for the people and the land.
I have had in this past year, many prophetic words given to me mentioning similar themes of water flowing through me and over me and around me, the spirit of prophesy, and a particular word which said God’s word would become like honey to me. Nearly all of the above was mentioned in some way in your letter along with healing and refreshing – again, all things that have been said to me recently!
Praise God for His amazing love in confirming yet again what He is doing in my life. I am so enjoying using my own flags, the ones I made, and now especially the quills which are just beautiful!!!!!
I managed to get a few photos taken today – no video as yet I am afraid, the light was too low (it gets dark early here in winter).
I am also all trussed up for the cold with jacket, hat, scarf and gloves so when the better weather gets here I will try to get some more pics!
I do love them and so many people have commented on them too….I shared some testimony at our church last weekend so the way is maybe open to worshiping with the quills (and my other flags that I have made) at some point within our services! It is soooooo exciting!!!!
Praise God for the way He led me to do this and to your website – it is SUCH a blessing!!!!
Thank you so much…I love them! x x
I love that sharing her testimony about the quills is helping to bring breakthrough for using flags at her church! Let’s all join in prayer for new levels of freedom in worship not just at her church but ALL churches in the body – may He remove the restraints and let us praise Him with abandon!
View quills
These are beautiful. Really like water. 😀 God is good to confirm His word to us. Amen!
Oh how beautiful! I am rejoicing and in tears over this lovely testimony. Our God is so very good and gracious. The quills are oh so lovely.
For our sister in Scotland, may the Lord bless you and those around you with an extravagant outpouring of His LOVE as you worship Him.
Beautiful Testimony!!!! I will stand in prayer for all church’s to open up to worship with Flags, I so miss not being able to worship with my flags in the church.
Thanks for sharing! The flags are beautiful!! I love when God confirms something. 😀
I just love this whole testimony! My favorite part is how the word given to her in the flag letter was total confirmation of other prophetic words she has already received. It’s such a tremendous experience to receive one of Meghan’s letters and discover how Abba uses her as a yielded vessel to share exactly the prophetic word that He is speaking to the recipient. I’m also blessed by the fact that this worship warrior was willing to get suited up for the cold weather, just to go outside and worship with her new weapons. Happy Flagging, and may there be strong breakthroughs wherever you go!
Those pictures are stunningly beautiful! I love the fact that you took pictures of the water flags buy the water!! I love flag pics outside too 🙂
Praying that you are able to use the flags for worship in the church and cause openings for people there. I see that water rushing in and refreshing so many people!
Love it when Dyed4you silks travel the world! 😉
So very beautiful…when praying and asking the Lord what He would like to see me swirling around here below for Him I saw those colored flags in my hands!
Magnificent, indeed. Lovely testimony, thank you for sharing and God bless you and your worship.