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Fragrant Offering Ministry

This video too was prompted by the call I was on with my friends in the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries. I’m ministering with a pair of altered quill wings called Fragrant Offering. Part of what came out through the ministry was someone singing Rita Springer’s Fragrant Offering, which is why I’m ministering with that song playing 🙂

The heart of this silk is about our lives being completely poured out before the Father – nothing held back – like the woman who broke the alabaster vessel to pour it’s contents over Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) feet (Luke 7:36 -38 and Mark 14:4-6, 9).

Let’s come into agreement in prayer for those receiving ministry through this worship – may the pleasing fragrance of their lives be a sweet incense before the throne of the Father and may that aroma  shift the atmosphere wherever they go!

(Please forgive the camera angle – it shifted after I’d set it up.)

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14 thoughts on “Fragrant Offering Ministry

  1. Oh my word, those are stunning. You can smell the fragrance of worship coming from them. Beautiful!!!

  2. Ditto Amanda…..STUNNING! Love those.

  3. Your camera wasn’t the only thing that shifted… the whole atmosphere changed completely! This made me so joyful!! May we all worship the Lord with all our lives and souls.

  4. Awesome and beautiful! I agree with the three ladies who have already posted. It shifted everything! The aroma is WOW!

  5. Beautiful Meghan, When I order these are the ones Im to get it is where I am with God and where He has me . I need you O God pour me out to be a Fragrant offering to you and to others in love . Purify my heart and refine me in the fire of Holiness.

  6. They look like the wings of angels that cover us and the protection of God and His holy angels that surround us and minister to us throuth the power Holy spirit and the command of the Father go and minister and protect. Before the thone of grace I bow before you lord and pour myself out before you asan offering. Mold and make me more like you O God this is my hearts cry today. Fill me with your love O God to pour to others. May I walk in humilty and love to touch others lives as you have touched mine O God. You are all I want and need in this world you are the air that I breath. I just lost my sister in law she was 51 my heart is breaking for my family and my brother and his two children. I pray they will know you God through this trial. I pray God will use me as a fragrant offering to minster love to my family.

  7. Agree with the remarks above about the aroma, it is tangible, as is the presence of the Lord. Wow! Thank you Meghan!

  8. I love visiting your site in the morning before work. these are beautiful Meghan.

  9. Awesome Meghan, I love your exspression!! and the colors of the wings. I have such a desire and a Love for my Heavenly Father I cant wait to praise him with wings. I love your website I have been through everything it is so helpful I just hope and pray that i will be able to purchase these wings soon Thank you so very much for Obeying our haevnly father with you gifts and talents you are so blessed!!!

  10. What an amazing expression of intimacy with our Lord. You can just sense the fragrance as you worship.
    I would love to worship and praise Him with a pair of these prayer wings. I too am praying that soon I will be able to purchase a pair.
    Thank you for sharing your love of the Father, with this amazing video. May the Lord Bless you.

  11. Do you have teachings or teach these techniques?

    1. We share some how-to videos here on this blog. If you check the how-to section you will find them. Hope that helps!

  12. What’s the name of song playing and who is singing this? Powerful!

    1. Rita Springer 🙂 It is an awesome song (called Fragrant Offering)

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