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Here Comes the Bride

As I was making a silk last night for a bride and groom getting married this coming Friday, I couldn’t help but remember another couple whose story and picture I hadn’t shared yet.

This bride and groom received matching silks on their wedding day called Whole Heart.  Only the Father could orchestrate such a perfect match! You can’t see the groom’s too well in this picture, but it was tucked in the breast pocket of his jacket. They looked wonderful!

The gift giver shared a bit about the moment:

The bride, however, knew IMMEDIATELY what it was and she got SO excited– the groom took too long taking his out of the box! She immediately wrapped herself up in the scarf and even wore it to the reception.

God was so cool opening up a way for us to give them their gift in person with enough time for them to open it in front of us! YAY! We gave it to them as a group after they had been married but before they went to their reception. Caught the groom in the hallway and told him they had to open it together and the bride was in the room right next to where he was.

I love how your scarf matched her wedding dress! And the groom immediately said once he realized what it was, that he could wear his on stage while she danced with hers. They are such a adorable couple and HIGHLY anointed for worship!

The image was taken by Leighty Photography 🙂

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8 thoughts on “Here Comes the Bride

  1. Precious how the Lord works. 🙂

  2. That is so Jesus!!!! Meghan, this is simply beautiful and what a wonderful way to bless the precious covenant these two have made!

  3. Love it!

  4. Awesome. I love this story!

  5. What a Beautiful moment:) Thank you for sharing!!

  6. Breathless! ohhh!!! True Love in the true love!!

  7. I agree with Donelda and Kim, “precious” is the word I heard as I read it. Precious testimony and love.

  8. Yes, a very precious moment. She looks just beautiful in her silk.

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