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Alan with 45″ Rohi Quills

When Alan came to visit last month, we shot some pictures for future D4Y Art (which I’m still editing since there were over 2000 to go through) and we took a couple videos too 🙂

Here he is with a pair of 45″ quill flags. You’ve seen these before in the 35″ Petite size quills and also an altered (dowel) wing.

The music is Becky B live from the Destiny Church prayer room 🙂

View quills

13 thoughts on “Alan with 45″ Rohi Quills

  1. Such a joyful and celebration video, I really like this. Everything is just right, right music, right flags, and right person. Several times it just seemed Alan was dancing with the Lord.

  2. I agree Tonia! I love watching the freedom Alan has to just worship and enjoy time with the Lord..there is something so different about watching a man worship!

  3. Wonder if this is how David danced before the Lord?

  4. Rohi – He is our Shepherd. We are your sheep Lord. I hear your voice. 🙂 Beautiful.

  5. awesome

  6. totaly blessed by this. it was like he was playing!!!

  7. Ahh Yes the Lord is my Warrior and my firm foundation thanks everyone

  8. Beautiful!!! I am agree there is just something about a man worshiping the Lord.

    @Ila, I was thinking the same thing as I watched Alan.

  9. There is absolutely nothing more powerful than when heaven invades earth and captures the heart of a man so that he worships our Lord with Davidic abandonment and authority. OMG

  10. I give Yahweh all the Glory!

  11. That was beautiful. Beautiful flags, beautiful worship, beautiful music. It seemed as though the Lord was singing over you as you worshiped. I felt like I was witnessing an intimate moment between Savior and son. It was just beautiful. :”)

  12. I will be honest here I just love the flags I feel like a kid playing in the wind lol

  13. This is precious.

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