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Bold Passion Streamer Poi

This is another pair of the special order Streamer Poi. These come in pairs and in price they run about the same as a pair of voi weights and two 35×84 silks (a standard voi set). For those who like bloopers, I intentionally left it unedited so you can see me hit myself 3 times – you can see I don’t flinch at all because they didn’t hurt 🙂 

Very simple and light and look great in motion. Enjoy!

View voi / special order

16 thoughts on “Bold Passion Streamer Poi

  1. Very cool! Now I’m sad I didn’t get to play with these too! I will have to do that next time!! <3

  2. I must be dense, I didn’t see you hit yourself at all! We’re always better at noticing our OWN flaws 😉 Tell me, Meghan, do you feel like you can worship as freely with these Pois as you can with flags? I mean, I’m sure this is a totally subjective thing, some people feel more naturally expressive with their worship with one or the other, I just wondered how you felt about it. Love you…and LOOOOVE the colors on these!

  3. @Jessica – Because they’re so light the hits barely register (which is good!) 🙂 To your question, with one definitely. With two I have to think more because I’m not naturally coordinated with them but they look SO pretty in motion they’re worth it 🙂

  4. I SOOOOOO love these! I might have to try poi when I am in a wide open space. I think I could really like it… It looks SO cool! Definitely gives my eyes a party!


  5. I agree with the giving my eyes a party comment!! They look like so much fun! But I would definitely need a LOT more space than what I normally have to worship in!

  6. This is just what I needed this morning, Such peace as I watched you worship Our Lord and Savior.

    I just love the way these look in motion!! Loved the song and I loved hearing you sing 🙂

  7. I am in love again. I am excited and this pair does not even belong to me!! I cannot to begin to practice which will be a must since I am not use to doing things with my non-dominate hand…but these streamers are beautiful too.

  8. Gorgeous! I’m with Tami it was awesome to hear you sing! Your smile and worship is infectious and just what I needed this morning.

    The streamers are great!

  9. Brandon says he likes the hololulah ones. I agree, these are good! I could see the colors of heaven also swirling around you.

  10. Lovely praise session; Meghan, you make the streamer voi look easy. 🙂

  11. These are very pretty in motion. Such a different look and feel. They are all good. 🙂

  12. I love you, Meghan!! That was so sweet! I was so caught up that I didn’t notice and clonking going on! 😉 That was heavenly to watch. I loved hearing you sing and watching that sweet smile on your face!

  13. I’m sooo thankful right now!! When I played the video I thought: “Uuu… Prettyyy!!”, and felt the Presence of the Lord right away. The thing is I’m looking closely, and at 1:42 your movements make a perfectly shaped heart Meghan! I think again: “A heart! It’s like G-d is ministering to me love.” Then I hear the words: “My soul sings…” (which is one of my favorite songs) and that’s when I say to myself: “I gotta look for the lyrics of this SONG!!” Turns out the lyrics I found are from a man named Phil Wickham, and the song is called “Cannons”. The song is AMAZING, and it confirmed that, yes, he was ministering to me love. But it also blows my mind off that yesterday, you posted a photo of all the silks on your couch (on Facebook) and I told you, that the one in the back felt like I was watching into the galaxy. Haha!! There is a part of this song that says: “Beautiful and free, Song of Galaxies; it’s reaching far beyond the milky way”. How GREAT is our G-D!!

  14. ^ I’ve found another favorite song! ^-^

  15. OOOO Meghan! so talented with these 🙂 i’m gaining greater appreciation for these. i’ve always thought they looked fun and this pair definitely has my interest. i love the color combinations.

    how on earth do you decide which to take to your place of worship? i tote around 2 golf bags and two bags stuffed full of material (silks are totally kept separate along with my D4Y letters!) … i’d think you’d look like a soldier with her back pack ready for war!

  16. I love to watch your videos and the talent I see before me!! I first saw streamer poi in Pheonix when Caleb used them! It was love at first sight the way the flowed!! Think you for sharing with me!!

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