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Mismatched Swing Flags

Allissa using her first pair of mismatched swing flags. Father showed her a red on for fire and a blue one for water, so what He had me make was a variety of Fire from the Throne of Heaven and River of Heaven.

Music is a sneak peek at some upcoming fun stuff 😉

Allissa wanted to share this:

Worshiping the Creator God, who is Yahweh, out in His creation!

The song was recorded just prior to the flagging. It was my interpretation of the area I was in — Big Spring at Forestville State Park. It started with birds chirping, then seeing the tall pine trees on the hill. The river starts in with it’s melody and the rocks answer! Then a little interlude of the forest in harmony and after that adding the still pool of water. Then a bat came visiting while I was fluting so I added a bit of bat before going back to end with the harmonious forest.

It can seem that the pieces do not fit together – but actually they do and it is in harmony.

The flags are purposely mismatched and refer to many things. Even “mismatched” they were in sync and harmony with each other.

View swing flags

11 thoughts on “Mismatched Swing Flags

  1. I love the fact you are wearing a green top, representing life to me, Allissa. And I just love everything about this video, you flagging, the natural setting, the water, the vegetation, sunlight in the background, the bird chirping, the music and most of all the presence of the Lord. For me this is a lovely impartation of His creation and His nearness. Thank you for sharing!

  2. So beautiful. Im refreshed just by watching.

  3. loved it. love that they’re mismatched. Love the music.

  4. Beautiful!!!!!

  5. I love how the fire and water keep you in balance so to speak! They complement each other so well… did the songs. It all flowed to make something beautiful!

  6. Mismatched flags are ok, and can be very symbolic and prophetic. I’m glad you shared this, because it is one of those regular questions I hear from new flaggers.

  7. loved this.

  8. Beautiful!!!

  9. I LOVE the fact that you are re-defining “mismatched”! And also, loving the music…had no idea that you played, it sounds great and it carries so much more meaning when you explain the inspiration behind it. Thanks!

  10. […] Wings of Refuge style (like the swing flags I posted yesterday). The music is by Allissa.You have heard one of her pieces before, but what you don’t know is what you’re hearing is the beginnings of Dyed4you […]

  11. Hauntingly beautiful!!! Loved it all and what a lovely setting…thank you for sharing the interpretation.

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