This is another pair of 35″ Petite quill flags, pair is called Pure & Sparkling. Similar shades to the Peaceful Beauty quills, but they have flecks of a color called storm in them too – so pretty! And like all quill flags, they move beautifully 😉
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Love this. So peaceful and anointed. His tender mercies are new every morning.
Simple and beautiful. Peaceful and elegant. ~sigh~
I could watch that over and over….. <3
the peace totaly washes over me watching this. peace and grace in abundance
She has such a grace handling these. I agree with @Stephanie, I could watch this over and over again. I’m so smiley right now ^-^!
I have no idea why Meghan, but those made me cry. Everything you do is full of God and love. I’m used to that which makes the tears odd to me. Maybe it’s the speck of “storm” in them. Because I feel that I am in one, battling hard with winds raging on all sides. Enough rambling from me. lol I just wanted to let you know how your work touched me. It always has. I love you my friend.