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R3 Recovery Ranch Confirmation

I wanted to share this story because in a little bit I’ll be posting a video of me ministering with swing flags in this Isaiah 54 style. 🙂

This scarf story is from a woman who was given an Isaiah 54 silk as a gift from several friends.  I’ll let you hear it from her:

Three of my friends had one of your scarves personally made for me. What they could not have known was that I had been praying for a word from God. And when the scarf came with the word it was the confirmation.

I am prophetically gifted, so no one ever thinks that I might need to hear a word of confirmation or encouragement. They just seem to naturally assume that because you can hear from God that you don’t struggle with fears, doubts or any unbelief.

I felt like God was calling me to raise up a ministry that houses and teaches recovery. I grew up in a hugely dysfunctional home. It was saturated with hatred and prejudices. I was beaten and abused over and over again because I refused to hate someone because the world called them a hopeless cause or because they came from the wrong side of the tracks, or because their skin was a different color. I could see the gift of God in them and my heart has always been to love. I ran away thinking surely the world was not as cruel as home had been only to find out it was just as bad if not worse. Finally I found the only one that could heal all the hurt, disappointment, bitterness, and anger I felt, Jesus.

Because I had endured incredible abuses I understand hate and where it starts. I understand the bitterness and resentment that causes you to withdraw your spirit even from the only One who can help you, Jesus. I understand how offense can become rooted in the heart and before you know it take over and produce a weed patch that will choke out the word of God. I lived for years with the guilt, fear and loneliness while I self-medicated. I know how it isolates and destroys you from the inside out. And I know the way out because I have lived it. I was rejected by my family, the world, and at one point the church, but now I know I am accepted as part of the beloved bride of Christ.

I know how to fix a wounded spirit/heart because God fixed mine. Redeemed – humble yourself before Jesus and he will set you free, Renewed – renew your mind to the Lord’s ways of thinking and dealing with offense, Restored – forgive and let Jesus nail your past to the cross, the cursed place, let go of the past so you can move into your future. This is how the ministry of, “Redeemed, Renewed, Restored” or “ R3” was born.

My dream is to build a place, a ranch, where people can come and receive the word of God, heal, be re-educated and move back out into the world with healing, hope, and a future in Christ. It doesn’t matter what the symptoms of an addiction are, they are only a byproduct of the root of the problem, fear, doubt and unbelief. Those all stem from a root of bitterness which is rooted and grounded in offense. But there is healing for it all in the Word. Seeing people come to recovery and be free of that garbage is my passion. It is my heart’s desire. No one deserves to die the second death! Offense cuts us off from our God, our family and one another. Christ paid too great a price that we might have life and life more abundant! It is time that message goes out once more.

Sounds great, right? But I struggled with knowing if this was a “God idea” and not just a “good idea”. I can teach, but I have no credentials. I can see prophetically the gift of God in others, but I am not ordained. I have no formal education. I don’t know how to run a ministry or begin a recovery ranch. And I was made painfully aware that I am not that young anymore being involved in a recent car accident. I am nearing 53 and had to have 3 discs fused in my neck and a shoulder rebuilt and I didn’t just “bounce back” as I have been accustomed to in the past.

I was beginning to think I was having a pipe dream. And if it had not been for some of the people that God placed in my path I think I would have just given up on the whole idea because it looked like the dream was dying. Yet inside me the dream still lived. Every day I could see a place where every hurting soul that really wanted to receive healing from God would be given that opportunity in spite of their physical or financial limitations.

I was praying and asking God for a word. I needed to know He is calling me. I needed to know that the passion and desire I felt were from Him and not just because I could see a need that needed to be addressed. I needed to know that the call on my life was real and that I had real answers to provide.

The name of the scarf is Isaiah 54. Isaiah 54 speaks exactly to my heart about the ministry, the recovery ranch and the work that God wants done there. I am barren in the natural but I am believing God for many more spiritual children. It speaks of a place of increase and provision while exacting a price and a willingness to pay that price to receive the increase. I would give anything to see this place birthed. It speaks of the heart of the ministry – full restoration. And it reminded me of God’s faithfulness and His love for us – for me, as my Husband – as our provider and our protection.

The anointing oil used to anoint the scarf was the Scent of Heaven’s Restoration. It spoke to my heart about the work that God wants to do – restoring his people.

The colors were:

  • Red – representing living sacrifice
  • Amber – representing fiery passion
  • Mahogany brown – representing a warrior’s heart[Praise in the mouth and a sword in the hand Psalm 149:3-7]

I cried when I saw this. It talks about all that I feel inside. The passion I can’t deny. The sacrifice I am willing to make to see this ministry come to pass. My heart towards the broken, wounded and down-hearted of this world that are all meant to be warriors of God and the fight to see them Redeemed, Renewed and Restored.

Meghan, I can’t thank you enough for being obedient to speak the word of God as you hear it. I love the beautiful scarf you created for me. I pray one day that there will be art work to go with the word. I would love to hang it in my office to remind me of the word and call on my life to be a light unto the wounded, weary, and hopeless so the lost can find their way home. When I wear my scarf and I read the word that came with it, it stirs my faith. It reminds me that I can overcome anything through Christ who lives big in me. Thank You and may God continue to bless the fruit of your labors!

View Isaiah 54 / 35×84

9 thoughts on “R3 Recovery Ranch Confirmation

  1. How awesome. So glad she shared with you and you shared with us!!!


  3. God is good. 😀

  4. That is such Amazing story…God is always good….everything is in his timing!

  5. i too have experienced abuses of all kinds.
    when i saw the scarves in motion i made an immediate connection.
    then i read the story.
    now i understand why the peace of God came all over me.
    what a beautiful heart to want to help others, the unlovelies that are really just hurting lovelies.
    may the Lord bless this woman in her endeavors to show Restoration Love.

  6. Great testimony, and I am in agreement with the Isa 54 recipient to see God’s will be done in their life. Thank y’all for sharing this with us.

  7. this is such an awesome testimony and touches so close to my own heart. My father once told me the biggest mistake he made with me was not teaching me to hate enough. I was also beaten for the same reasons. I will be praying for R3 Recovery Ranch’s birthing, growing and for the woman of God birthing it. Jesus does indeed redeem us and washes every spot and wrinkle away…. wooping and laughing like Meghan does but dont know how to spell that sound (grin)

  8. Beautiful story! <3

  9. I love that this sister needs to receive redemption, renewal, and restoration just as much as she desires to give it. Praise Yah for speaking directly to your heart, and He will birth it in His way and at His set time. Praise Yah for your heart to heal the hurting…blessings to you, sister.

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