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Restoration Ministry

In this silk ministry I’m using a pair of Isaiah 54 swing flags. The focus of the intercession is to battle hopelessness, depression, and woundings from the enemy; bringing restoration, healing, hope, joy and to usher in the fulfillment of God’s promises (exactly the focus of the call Father confirmed through this style silk to another woman in the D4Y Community).

It’s interesting because I was given a word from Isaiah 54 several years back and I realized in the process of making this that I was ministering to myself too!Β  Kinds of unexpected to bless myself this way πŸ™‚

At the 3:33 mark you can hear me start praying under my breath and then the volume at the end… well, let’s just say between that and the laugh you’ve now experienced what it’s like to sit near me at church! LOL πŸ™‚

The music in the background of the videos is a song written by my friend and former pastor, Jim Stern, who is one of the most gifted and anointed people I know. The song is called Song 54. The song as well as the whole CD β€” which is called Speak to the Dreams β€” were recorded live at Destiny Church.

The CD is available on iTunes if you’re interested πŸ™‚

View Isaiah 54 / swing flags

18 thoughts on “Restoration Ministry

  1. I Liiiiiiiike those!

  2. LOL…absolutely loved watching this Meghan….reminded me very much of an experience I had last year when I just started laughing and giggling during worship (no flags were being used at the time though) – what a wonderful experience of God’s joy filling me!!! Amazing…totally made me smile watching you!! <3

  3. Oh…must also mention that this past Sunday in church, I was able, for the first time, to use my flags during worship!!! Awesome!!!! Prayers answered and keep praying for more opportunities! WooHoo!! πŸ™‚

  4. You are simply Amazing….I love all the work God is doing in you and your business…

  5. I’m just so happy you shared this! The Presence of the Lord was reallyy dense over there. And your laughter at the end… Lets just say it reminds me of SOMEONE I knoww, who -sometimes- thinks to herself: “People must think that I’m crazy! Well I am!! I’m crazy for the Lord!!” Hehehe… This was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking!!

  6. oh oh oh! oh oh oh! yes yes yes! might i say those are a wow. how beeauutiful and fun to watch. love the joy that came in the worship. aaahhh. such peace i am feeling now, i must say. don’t give up. don’t give in. if we don’t quit, we win! thank You, thank You, and thank You! donna

  7. You are having way to much fun. lol That was beautiful!!

  8. oh ya!!! love this. you start out with such an increase of authority in your praise and the end is so prescious!!! love the flags, love the worship, thank you for the ministry.

  9. hahahaha …..Meghan, you are such a blessing! Thank you!

  10. You have no idea how I needed this today. I don’t even know where to begin……..all I know is God is faithful and He shall restore all that has been stolen from me. I will continue to stand and I thank you for your obedience to Him. I love you my friend. Thank you, thank you.

  11. Beautiful Meghan.. Loved it, Loved the ending πŸ™‚ He so loves you!!!

  12. I <3 this!!!

  13. Love these and I would really LOVE to have a pair. I can so see us using these at church!


  14. Blessed once again, thanks.

  15. Hallelujah! What a blessing to feel the annointing as you don’t demo, but MINISTER with these silks! How did I miss this when it was 1st posted????

  16. I absolutely love the quill flags and the veil poi. I can’t wait to purchase them. I love the way the quill flags move it is very angelic. I love the music that you use in the back ground also. Thank you for letting the Lord use you in your creations

  17. I love love love this one. Amazing story.

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