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In Heavenly Places 35″ Quills

It’s rare that you see something so close to white coming out of Dyed4you, but Father birthed this style called In Heavenly Places and these white with baby blue and silver and pearl shimmer quill flags are as beautiful as the word that goes with them!

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13 thoughts on “In Heavenly Places 35″ Quills

  1. It looks so clean and pure…I <3 it!

  2. Reminds me of angels wings……..BREATH-TAKING! πŸ™‚

  3. Breathtaking!

  4. These are simply beautiful. πŸ™‚

  5. Lovely!

  6. wow, so beautiful and peaceful πŸ˜€

  7. such purity

  8. Wow! They are almost as beautiful as the Daughter of the King demostrating them!! πŸ™‚

  9. Cleansing! That’s what I saw happening…all shame removed, all of the past removed…taking our place seated in the heavenlies with our King…

  10. I like the sheen of blue as the quills move around πŸ™‚ These are beautiful.

  11. Absolutely lovely. Purity…Surrender…Clean… Just very peaceful & perfect.

  12. Hi Meghan! I received my first worship flag today. It is a 35″ quill named “Bold Passion”. I have been using my Dyed4you scarfs to worship with, but it just never felt right. I got the opportunity to meet Meghan a few months ago while she was visiting a friend in Ohio. She showed me a pair of quills and I fell in love!

    When I read the letter that came with it I knew instantly that this is how the Lord wants me to worship. I am absolutely wrecked with emotion and in awe of his glory!

    When I worship with my scarfs I always do it at home with the blinds closed so no one can see me. I’ve always felt insecure! The verse that came with the quill is Hebrews 4:16 “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” I feel the Lord telling me to use my flag to worship in the santcuary during church services. Talk about stepping out of my comfort zone! Yikes!

    “Bold Passion” is not just about coming boldly to the throne, but also living a life of total obedience and surrender. My prayer the past 3 months has been for the Lord to show me how to live a life of 100% surrender. How humbling that He brought me this word today! What a comfort it is to know that He does hear our prayers and knows the desires of our heart!

  13. I am loving these

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