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“My” Room in OH ;)

It’s always fun to see how folks are inspired to display their Dyed4you silk and Dyed4you Art 🙂

Here Amanda has created a Dyed4you room complete with her beaded veil, several pairs of quills and even the Swept Away art piece that features a picture I did of her – it’s part of the Unbridled Passion series 🙂

I confess I refer to this as “my room” and somehow during my visit to OH must’ve convinced Amanda’s daughter Maddy that it was because now SHE refers to it that way as well! LOL 🙂 I love it!

Updated July 2012 pic – note the throw on the chair 😉

View beaded veils / quills / throw

13 thoughts on ““My” Room in OH ;)

  1. Gorgeous room! It must feel so awesome and anointed in there! Surely His Shalom is there!

  2. Love it! I think I might find myself locked in there most of the time if it were in my home!

  3. love it def inspiring and very creative display

  4. Very cool! 🙂

  5. my gosh, i love this. and i love to see pictures of the full length of the silks. the patterns are so amazing. thanks to both for sharing!

  6. great looking room Amanda!! Looks like a nice cozy place to pray and worship.

  7. I want a room like this!!! I dont’ blame little Maddie for calling it Meghan’s room…my husband refers to my mom’s guest room as “Kathie’s room,” because when Mom’s friend Kathie comes into town, that’s where she stays 😉

  8. Love this beautiful and peaceful and anointed room!!! I want one!!! 🙂

  9. I DO love this!!! ♥

  10. Thanks Ladies 🙂 It’s very cozy and peaceful in here (I’m “in here” as I type this). There’s a WHOLE lot more silk in these pics you can’t see. The large pink and black box has all my other silks, and the small pink and black box on my desk has all my Scent of Heaven anointing oils 🙂

  11. Which, by the way, if you do not have any of The Scent of Heaven’s anointing oils that are used on these silks, prayerfully consider it. They are straight from the throne room. Absolutely divine 🙂

  12. […] of the silken shots and video from my visit to Ohio in March!  You’ve already seen “my room” from where I was staying – but here are some of the pictures and videos from other […]

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