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Dancing with D4Y Silks

This is some video from a worship song during a church service, the ladies are dancing with three 35×84 silks. From left to right they are: Abiding in the Vine, Holy Fire, and Altogether Lovely. So beautiful to see these silks in action!

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6 thoughts on “Dancing with D4Y Silks

  1. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! To God Be the Glory!

  2. love this. beautiful. the part in the middle where she is spinning and going quickly, this looks a lot like how I do it only I stand in place and just the silk spins…. beautiful. thank you for this.

  3. Very nice! Inspires me!

  4. I love that the moves are so simple and the beauty of the silks shines out. Nice!

  5. Lovely! Thank y’all for sharing, it is so cool to see the silks in praise.

  6. Sweet adoration! 🙂 Thanks

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