This is a fun video – it has no Dyed4you silk in it, but the swing flags on the stage area were created based on our how-to make swing flags post! Since I was blessed by the anointing on this dance, I thought you would be too 🙂
The song is “Heaven on Earth” by Micah Stampley. Visit their church website!
View swing flags
Awe inspiring!
Beautiful! I’m sure the video doesn’t even begin to do justice to the actual performance! Thanks for sharing!
This is my church. 🙂 I am the one reading the scripture. Meghan, our ministry thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this dance, but the swing flags have just been a real joy. Nearly everyone wanted to be a flag! 🙂 Two quick stories: the lady on the left of the podium has always wanted to try flags and has fallen in love–she came alive in a new way. The lady on the right in the pulpit practiced and practiced, playing the song constantly, but her husband must have not been paying attention. But when he saw her Sunday, he could not take his eyes off of her. Many members of our church told me they were blessed by this dance. Thank you again for the instructions! God bless you always is my prayer.
Always a blessing to see dance ministries. Its beautiful 🙂
Beautiful! Brings tears to my eyes and truly a heaven on earth moment captured here. Bless y’all.