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Pair of Voi

This beautiful pair of 35×84 voi still have the word being birthed so I don’t know the name yet, but wanted to share them anyhow because they are beautiful in action 🙂

The music is live from the prayer room at IHOP-KC

View 35×84 / voi

10 thoughts on “Pair of Voi

  1. These are very beautiful in motion. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Look at you, Skinny Minny! red and blue voi… i believe these must be added to my collection 🙂 🙂 🙂 and love the IHOP!

  3. WOW, they’re wonderful!!! And so are you…!!!! 😉

  4. Beautiful!!!

  5. Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Breath taking. Thank you for showing us.

  6. really beautiful Meghan!

  7. There is a cleansing quality to them. I hope this isn’t frowned upon, but they remind me of Aquafresh Toothpaste which, for me personally, is a good thing 🙂 Cleansing & fresh 🙂

  8. The other day I tried to load this on my phone without success, but I saw the pic and heard freedom. Today I get to see it on my computer and still hear freedom.

    They are beautiful!

    Cleansing and fresh hits home too!

    Blessings Meghan

  9. Gorgeous! Looks like Freedom in the Spirit to me. 🙂

  10. You are for sure prophesying with these Meghan….beautiful!

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