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Blessed Silk

A lovely testimony about a 14×72 silk named Stand.  As they mention, you can’t always smell the oils on the silk when they arrive, but you can always add an oil to your order if you’d like to have it to be able to re-anoint your silk in the future 🙂

I must share this with you: As soon as I opened my prophetically dyed scarf, on Wednesday, and started reading the enclosed letter aloud to my husband. He grabbed the scarf and put it on, before I did!

He was hoping to smell the anointing oil (neither of us could smell the paga/intercession oil on the scarf, so we figured it must be very light). Later, when we were getting ready for bed, he asked me to drape the scarf over our headboard and leave it there while we slept. He said, “That’s a blessed scarf, so that’s where we would want it, at the head of our bed.”

Thursday night, my husband and I were talking about the anointing oil and I was saying that maybe I should have ordered some when I ordered my scarf. He started asking me about the company that sells it. I showed him the website and he decided to order some prophetic oil from for himself!

The colors on the scarf are so beautiful. God has really gifted you tremendously. All praises to Him.

View 14×72 / add an oil

12 thoughts on “Blessed Silk

  1. That is a beautiful scarf. I love how the husband grabbed it and put it on before his wife did. 🙂

  2. i’ll tell you what. that picture is blessing my socks off. i can’t even IMAGINE what is going on in the spirit, having that silk in hand!

  3. Brings tears to my eyes that the husband seemed to be as excited about the scarf as the wife!!! 🙂

    I LOVE Scent Of Heaven anointing oils! They are wonderful!!!

  4. Awesome story I love reading how God blesses.

  5. i love it when men recognize and receive the anointing no matter the package and delivery. it speaks powerfully of their maturity and willingness to be under the Lordship of Jesus.
    i am encouraged by this scarf story.
    i feel my chin raise and my shoulders square.
    i feel the bowing down on one knee, like a warrior.
    and yet the intimacy of being in His presence in His chambers.

  6. God Bless you and pretty nd beautiful scarf

  7. I love them all! YAY! These are my motivation to get to a personal goal of mine! 🙂 blessings and joy!

  8. Hehehe that’s too cute, her husband swiped it and put it on as she was reading. 😀 Sounds like an amazingly adorable couple! I’m sure Papa God is blessing them abundantly with the word with this scarf.

  9. I love that the silk was placed at the head of the bed!

  10. Beautiful description of a God focused union. Love it.

  11. This is so sweet. May the Lord continue to bless your marriage and give to y’all the desires of your hearts.

  12. I adore this story…especially the scarf being placed at the head of their bed…recognizing the sacred.

    All scarfs are beautiful, but this one holds a special place in my heart -))

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