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Ohio Trip Silk

I realized I never shared some of the silken shots and video from my visit to Ohio in March!  You’ve already seen “my room” from where I was staying – but here are some of the pictures and videos from other portions of the trip!

Amanda’s daughter – Maddy – had a wonderful time enjoy both her mom’s streamer poi (a special order item) and her scarves (one was a new 8×54 and one was her Proclaimer silk)  🙂

And Amanda enjoyed using her streamer poi too – nothing like loungewear and silk 😉

The on Sunday after church we got to hang out with some other Dyed4you folks at Panera after which we played with silk in the parking lot 😉 Amazing how much weight I’ve lost since then!!!

In the middle below you see one of our Birthing Silk giveaway winners (remember to pray for them!) and on the right you see a Dyed4you Blog Giveaway winner (see her story from the last time she won – yep a two-time winner!)

And then near the end of the visit I got to shoot some BEAUTIFUL pictures of Amanda and Maddy!  For the full set go here, but a few are below 🙂

View quills / voi / special order / 8×54 / 34×85

7 thoughts on “Ohio Trip Silk

  1. […] beautiful testimony from a precious woman I got to meet during my trip to OH this past March. After I got back, she ordered a 35″ petite quill and it was such a blessing! Her story is […]

  2. Maddy is so Precious! Thank you for sharing with all of us!

  3. absolutlely gorgeous!!! love the stills of Maddy.

  4. oh MEGHAN! nevermind that you’re a photographer, i believe i see the Lord in my countenance in that picture. thank you so much!

    i hope and pray you can come back to visit, it was so much fun to meet you all 🙂 and YAY to the Transformed video! though, that wind was MERCILESS that day, wasn’t it? we’ll chalk it up to the Wind of the Lord 🙂 i don’t have to tell you how madly in love i am with those quills.

    March. my goodness, has it been that long?

  5. All so very lovely and sweet. I am glad you got to make the trip and shared it with us. 🙂

  6. Ah, and to Maddy, nothing like being on life’s journey (you in your little car) and having your mom praise over you. That was especially beautiful to me.

  7. Maddy…what a worshipper! So precious. Love the pics also!

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