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Renewed Fervor for Battle

A lovely story about a 22×72 silk called His Heart in Battle (which you’ve also seen as swing flags). Not sure what it is about having something tangible during intercession (especially something anointed), but I too have found the silks to be a blessing in warfare.

The day I received my “His Heart in Battle” scarf was exactly what I needed. I have been intercessing for my daughter and her husband but felt that something was missing.

The first time I smelled the wonderful fragrance of this scarf my strength was renewed. I had been to a Holocaust march in Houston the weekend before. My chains of unforgiveness were broken after many years (50+). After hearing the testimonies of these “Treasures” who am I not to forgive the minor things I went through.

The scarf renewed my strength for my battle in the war that is not of this world. As all people that go into battle, we do get tired of fighting that devil all the time.

Thank you for making my prayer life, my dancing in church and most of all my Warrior prayers being strengthened by a scarf made with Jesus’ Love. Bless you and your “helpers”.

View 22×72

13 thoughts on “Renewed Fervor for Battle

  1. I can sure relate to growing tired of fighting hasatan all the time. Especially when you have close family members that are not walking with the Father or have allowed the enemy in. In the picture bottom left I can actually see someone standing with flags in each out streatched hand. Beautiful scarf!!!

  2. Hi Meghan I don’t know how you did it, but I also can clearly see an image of an Angel or person with arms raised between flags! Perfect silk for Warfare! Plus it is absolutely beautiful. Love the woman’s story of forgiveness also.

  3. Beautiful testimony. Beautiful silk!!

  4. Awesome testimony! It truly is a beautiful silk too!

  5. love this testimony and am so blessed to see and hear how the Lord encourages each and every one of us when we need it the most.

  6. Yes, I’m also with Jeanne; sometimes you get tired of fighting hasatan… v.v …This is an awesome scarf story; how wonderful to hear the Lord is faithful and renews the strength of those, who’s hope is in Him. 🙂

  7. What a beautiful silk and a mighty story to go with it!

    Bless you for your heart of intercession and spiritual warfare! He has a mighty warrior in you, dear one!

  8. Beautiful testimony and beautiful scarf. Lots of colors in this one. Incredible as always.

  9. The jewel tones in the scarf are oh so lovely, and your smile is precious and priceless. Thank you for sharing your story with us!

  10. Beautiful scarf and story!
    I too can see a person with flags in the silk! How cool!
    I am thankful that there is renewal for battle.

  11. Splendid scarf for spritual battle.

    Thank you for sharing your testimony. Battle is not for the faint of heart and it is good that you now have an annointed covering for yourself. You will get weary if you “stand in the gap,” but remember the ‘battle belongs to the Lord’ and it has already been won.

    God Bless you and may the “Son” always shine His face towards you with favor.


  12. I can relate to this one I am a intercessor and I need things in my hands to war!

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