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Awaiting His Arrival large swing flag pair

I often fall in love with the silks I create, but rarely do they stir me like this particular pair of swing flags do (and they have orange in them?!?!)!  This large pair of swing flags is called Awaiting His Arrival. I’ve made this style before in quills, but in a different pattern. Enjoy 🙂

The music is called Jacob from Ariel Henry

View swing flags

16 thoughts on “Awaiting His Arrival large swing flag pair

  1. Very cool! 🙂

  2. beautiful!

  3. They are beautiful! They give a sense of energy to me.

  4. So beautiful

  5. Kept seeing targets painted in the Spirit realm for the answers to prayers, for yourself, your home and others. Very cool.

  6. Enjoy how the orange is at the center or heart of the flag…just the passionate burning for Him exemplified in worship!

  7. Those are hard to peel your eyes off of. That particular pattern of Awaiting His Arrival is stunning. It’s like a sun… The purple border is just right and the turquoise surrounding the orange…oh, so pretty! Almost like night (purple) and day (turquoise) and the Son (orange center). He’s always with us, night or day. 🙂

  8. man, oh man – those are really really -you-. when you’re dancing with them, they are so a -part- of you. (although, you’re disappearing before our eyes! you look fabulous!)

  9. Those look like bigger ones too, I absolutely love the jumbo size swing flags

  10. Woah! Those give off an awesome feel and vibration! I see like vibration patterns flowing out in the atmosphere. I am not sure what they are accomplishing but they seem like the have a mission and a purpose!

  11. Absolutely astonishing! Are we seeing more orange? You appeared to be enjoying yourself immensely as I was watching you worship. I can only imagine how much our Father enjoyed as well.
    Peace & Blessings.
    Never stop.

  12. I really LOVE the colors in these!!! Once again a smash hit!!!

  13. WOW!!! Beautiful!

  14. Yet again you look so awesome and glowing as you worship!

    These Flags are very unique and beautiful. I too love the “Son” of orange in the middle!!!

  15. These are BEAUTUFUL!!! I love the orange 😀

  16. Can’t take my eyes off the movements. So beautiful.

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