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Favored Fellowship

Father gave me the vision for these fuchsia/orange/amethyst silks and in person you can nearly FEEL the warmth!  They’re large swing flags called Favored Fellowship, and beautiful in motion 🙂

The music is live from the Prayer Room at Destiny Church 🙂

View swing flags

22 thoughts on “Favored Fellowship

  1. Meghan … They are beautiful!

  2. Beautiful!!!

  3. Watching this video made me start crying! They are beautiful! Words that came to me while watching was passion, joy, awakened, and heart of fire! Thank you for sharing this…and you look absolutely gorgeous and so at peace too!

  4. My heart melts seeing them in motion. I don’t have other words to describe how they make me feel. Maybe is a dream of mine materialized into a pair of swing flags; or maybe I see them as a welcome… I do not own this silk but it has made a way into my heart. *Tears* I really do like them… x)

  5. Stupendous! Oh, Oh, Oh, I do so love Swing Flags. Awesome as are you and wondrous to behold. Adonai has so favored you and in turn you favor us. Thank-You for. all you do.

  6. That is very exciting, astonishing and beautiful to enjoy watching. Thank you for sharing.

  7. So beautiful!!!!

  8. Wow wow wow wow!!! Meghan… they are just so heavenly!!! I enjoyed the peace and joy that leaked out from you and them.

  9. i want to play with those!

  10. beautiful! want that video don’t stop – and flags! they are perfect. i see Jesus and you together playing and fighting – it’s so vivid

    beautiful colours and flags

  11. beautiful! want that video don’t stop – and flags! they are perfect. i see Jesus and you together playing and fighting – it’s so vivid

    beautiful colours and flags

  12. Beautiful! Love the song too………

  13. Love the colors they are beautiful , never had swing flags

  14. these are even more stunning than can be rightfully believed. wow.

  15. Beautiful!!

  16. Incredible. Soooo beautiful.

  17. Oh my!!!! Love, Love, Love them!!! 🙂

  18. Those have melted my heart. I adore that particular silk! I want to wrap up in it. It just sings of love and desire and passion from Father’s heart to His chosen. Absolutely adoring this one!!! <3
    There should be a LOVE button to click, seriously!!!
    Beautiful work, Meghan!

  19. WOW; very captivating and soothing, which is so surprising with such hot colors!

  20. gorgeous! what a blessing. I can feel the warmth through the screen, so I can’t even begin to imagine the warmth you feel when you’re worshipping with them!


  21. Liking these alot, so colorful. 🙂

  22. Love these Flags

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