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Precious in her New Silk

You’ve seen this cutie-pie before in NextGen Dyed4you Community 🙂

In these she’s sporting the new 21×21 silk her grandmother got her called Perfect Love, which is perfect on her!

She’s been wrapped in Dyed4you silk since she was born!  In the last picture above, she is in her 22×72 You are My Hallelujah silk that was dyed at the same time as Allissa’s swing flags were.

View 21×21 / 22×72

21 thoughts on “Precious in her New Silk

  1. she is so adorable!

  2. Sweet, beautiful baby girl looks like she feels right at home in the anointing! These make me smile! 🙂

  3. omgosh she’s cute. What a great idea to give baby their very own silk!

  4. I love how the scarf is on her head and in the last pic, around her. It’s sealing/covering her with THAT word. ^^ She’s adorable! ♥

  5. It is right to raise a child in the way they should go and more to reveal the anointing and revelation of the spirit from birth. She is double blessed – being born into a family that loves the Lord and shares that love with her and to have someone in her life that teaches her about the anointing and gives her that revelation as a child so she doesn’t have to struggle with recieving it as an adult. Well done!

  6. Thanks everybody! She so lives her silks! Someday I’ll actually write the scarf story that goes with all three she has received!

    Blessings to you all

  7. thank you for shareing that she is a little doll, jesus thank you for that baby and praise god she a daughter of zion. love you sister judy

  8. I can only imagine how her baby skin must feel against the silk…and since birth, too!

  9. That’s beautiful on her! I have not purchased any of your silks yet, but follow you on Facebook and look forward to ordering in the future!

  10. Wonderful. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice. Blessings to this adorable little one and family. All I get is Rejoice. So Rejoice.

  11. Precious, Lord surround this child with Your presence, let her know you are so close .

  12. so beautiful! Fill her with Your love, Lord! Blessed be!

  13. How precious!!! Thanks for sharing .

  14. Allissa’s baby girl is beautiful and how awesome is that to be exposed to D4Y silk from the day you were born!!! She’s going to be explosive in a good way. 🙂

  15. @Shelly – just to clarify she isn’t Allissa’s baby girl – she just has a silk that’s the same as one Allissa has 🙂

  16. So sweet !! :o)

  17. beautiful

  18. Awww! How sweet!
    Meghan, is that the first Perfect Love that you’ve made since last year?
    It’s sort of like picking a familiar face out of a crowd, showing just how alive the silks are in Him!!

  19. Very Precious and Sweet!

  20. Awwww! <3

  21. So cute and I can hardly wait to see future videos of her flagging for the Lord.

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