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Rainbow Streamer

This is a video of both a 3 yard and a 4 yard streamer in the same rainbow pattern.  You will get to see me switch out which one is on the rod too – so you can see how easy it is.

There is a blooper in this (I step on the streamer!), but I left it in for your viewing pleasure 😉

The music is Misty Edwards singing See the Way.

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13 thoughts on “Rainbow Streamer

  1. Meghan,

    Those are so pretty and they flow so beautifully!! I can see little kids really enjoy worshipping with these.

  2. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve accidentally stepped on flags!
    I love rainbows. I think that it is neat that you can make the streamer make the “bow” shape while worshipping with it.

  3. thank you sister for shareing with us. have a blessed day . judy

  4. Beautiful! The anointing is such a pleasure to experience with the streamers! ~m

  5. […] Streamer – A long, narrow silk (either 3 or 4 yards) that is attached to a 23″ rod. […]

  6. You are so graceful that it’s easy for something like that to go unnoticed ^^. You just get lost in the worship; the anointing transferring from that room to where we are and the colors of the silks. It is wonderful to participate in all of this! 😀

  7. I need this!!!! I love it so much! 😉

  8. Beautiful! Looks like so much fun. 🙂

  9. That looks like so much fun. ;D

  10. They’re just beautiful!! I love the celabration of streamers! They’re so playful!!

  11. agin megahn beautiful now i wont you to you s two together thats how me an my lexi do it an lexi loved them an she wont some now it brings me so much joy to watch her worship are king am it lets me feel what are father feels to watch all of us how worship him in spirit an truth im sure it brings him gerat joy an love as it does us streamers are a big paret of my testtamoniy an how i came to meat a asome an beautiful person we send are love your way an let yahweh bless you an keep you an let his face shine apon you love ya megahn

  12. I really want a pair of these or the rainbow streamer poi. Any idea where I can buy em from? 🙂

  13. @Savannah – Streamers are available here:

    Streamer poi are special order items, so you can contact me for more info if you prefer those to the actual streamers.

    Hope that helps!

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