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FYI: Quill Bags

I know I’ve said it before, but I thought it was worth repeating: quill bags are for protection purposes! The bags aren’t created to match, just to protect.  The example below being a case in point 😉

In fact with the MR singles you may even end up with an organza bag… think function.  I say all that because I am the queen of solids. I don’t even own one patterned piece of clothing (not anything I wear anyhow), so in the beginning the pattern of the silks stretched me – LOL – yes, God has a sense of humor 😉

So for all you solid-loving people out there… just know your quills may come in a patterned bag! We want the quills  safe… just remind yourself of that 🙂

And before you ask, yes I can create a bag and dye it to match if you really want, but with parts and labor you could probably get a 35×84 you could actually wear for the same price!

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9 thoughts on “FYI: Quill Bags

  1. That’s funny! I’ve NEVER seen you in a print or pattern other than the silks you wear. 🙂 FUNCTION not FASHION! 😀

  2. Hmm… (The pattern clothing thing?) I think that is going to change pretty soon for you… Hehe. Father is always stretching us to try things we don’t like (but are good). Perfect example? ORANGE!!! ^^

    I really don’t mind them not matching. It is actually a reminder He does things differently that I’m used to! 🙂

  3. 🙂
    different and for same purpose together! wow! just like the King kids!

  4. Function is GOOD!!!

  5. I like my bag not matching! 🙂 I LOVE my quills! 🙂

  6. A bag is a bag is a bag….lol I am cool with what erver works.

  7. I am praying for you to receive and LOVE a patterned orange garment that is impossible for you to resist!! lol. If Abba can make me like palm trees, He has got this…lol

  8. ♥ … nothing more needed to be said, LOL

  9. I agree Tami! Gave me giggles!

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