Posted on 12 Comments

Giant Quill

This is a quill my friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners made me and I couldn’t help but share!  This is called a Giant Quill and it is 70″ along the quill!  And before you ask –  yes – you can get a Dyed4you one as a special order item 😉

Oh and the little personal billow move I’m doing at the beginning and end of the video is AMAZING to be under!!!

Music is live from IHOP-KC

View quill / special order

12 thoughts on “Giant Quill

  1. I loved the billow how fun. 🙂

  2. This might be the second time I’ve seen a flag become an extension of you (the first was with Healing Ministry post 🙂 ) You have a deep connection with it.

    The quill is amazing; and to be under it… Ahh! ^^

  3. Wow, thats amazing….have no more words..

  4. wonderful!!!

  5. @.@ ….. it’s like… water and wings and peace and milk and honey ….

  6. cool!!!!

  7. Beautiful love the billow part

  8. I also like the archway/tabernacle movement with these.

  9. cloud by day, fire by nite. this is the cloud by day

  10. WOW!! Breath taking!

    I agree with Karen D. cloud by day, fire by nite. this is the cloud by day

  11. That looks really fun 🙂

  12. […] The huge ones at the end are not Dyed4you, but are AMAZING! We can do them, but they’re special order. (Here’s a video of me with a PWB giant quill) […]

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