Word cannot express how excited I am to introduce a new quill size that I am sure will quickly become a favorite… the MR (medium round) quills! One of the cool things about the MR Quills is that you can get either a pair OR a single 🙂
This size is nice and compact while still giving a beautiful, full appearance in motion. For all the info watch the video below (and the demo below that) and get specs on the quill page. Happy worshiping!
View quills
And for my blooper-loving friends…
Awesome worship. Even my little Gabriella was totally enthralled!
I like the size. It’s soo handy!! 😀
The size is perfect!
Ha lol that was hilarious 🙂 thanks for always sharing and being real
Ok, watched the informative video and then the demo. Was blessed and started to scroll down to leave a comment, then noticed the blooper video… HILARIOUS!!!!!!! That totally made my morning! I love your laugh!!! One can simply not resist smiling or laughing along with that infectious and beautiful sound, no matter what their mood might be!
On a serious note, I do happen to love the MR quills. Great size and with the ability to purchase a single, they are economical as well. 🙂
gonna have to pray me a set of these in. this is a perfect size for intersseion dancing at home. I have very limited space there….so, these are so going on the list….
I love the size!!!
your so awesome meghan the kids are going to love them to. your always thinking of every one 🙂 love an shalom
I too love the size…..I do have a penchant for big flags, but there are some settings that they just are too big , soooooo, heres the perfect size!!! On the list !!!!! ;o)
Just saw the blooper !!! That thing just boinged right out of your hand !!! That was too funny, thanks for sharing ;o)
This is a great size. I have been using my flags and I have to move furniture, and trying to wave in the Spirit and not hit the ceilings, the lamps and the walls.
These are REALLY nice!!!
loved the blooper!! smile
awesome quills! I just might have to try some someday! And love your blooper….thatnks for sharing your laugh with us!
i am TWIRLING in my chair like the Sound of Music!!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What’s the name of this pair?
@Christie – Prepare the way of the Lord
LOVE your silks! A friend introduced me to your silks one night at worship.. They are so blasted with glooooray! just wanted to let you know. Keep slicing into the heavenly realms!