This is a pair of XLR quills called Lord of All the Earth, which you have seen before in my canopy 🙂
They are beautiful to look at and look wonderful in motion!
The music is from Kent Henry’s Light of Heaven album. Enjoy!
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This is a pair of XLR quills called Lord of All the Earth, which you have seen before in my canopy 🙂
They are beautiful to look at and look wonderful in motion!
The music is from Kent Henry’s Light of Heaven album. Enjoy!
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So beautiful! I love the way the quills flow and flutter…like butterfly wings! 😉
Beautiful! It never fails to amaze me how God provides for us… I ABSOLUTELY love the colors of the quills…and I needed the reminder of their name and the lyrics in the music at this moment! God’s faithfulness is awesome!
Beautiful flags and song 😉
Wow Beautiful!!!
Those are lovely! I could see the orange in that particular silk more so than in the canopy. I  orange! 😉
Meghan these are just gorgous!! So anointed, I could feel the presance of the Holy Spirit.
Beautiful!! My 3 yo daughter came up while this was playing and said, “oh, I love her!”.
Thank you for sharing!!
These are so lovely….my favourite colours…. 🙂
Lord of all the earth, what a beautiful and powerful declaration! 🙂
The colors are amazing and the flow was like a fragence!!!
Ohh… These just touch me so deeply!! They are powerful plus, they’ve reminded me my Abba is the Lord of all the Earth!!! The silver and the gold are HIS!! He is our provider. ♥ Hallelluyah!! :”]
Love hearing you sing as you worship!
These are beautiful and so are you!
Those colours… they’re just chewey! the size is WONDERFUL!