I LOVE streamers! This is a pair of 3 yd streamers called Dancing Sword (which is the silk used in the Dyed4you Art piece called Lively Sword). Love the graceful way they flow. These ended up going two different places, but I sure enjoyed demoing them together 😉
Music is live from IHOP-KC
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beautiful!!!! the streamers are really cool
lovely! Yes, I agree…love the way they flow too….but then again, I love all your worship tools!!!!!!!!!!!
They look so fun!
U look so natural with streamers… lovely!
I love the name of these streamers!
The streamers look as if they are extensions of you! How graceful and beautiful is your worship.
love an so beautiful. as i arm my daugter with the the armer of Yahweh i placet this peace of armer in her hand an wow. thank you meghan thank you father it is so beautiful to watch i hope to send a post soon an to every one how dosent have one of these silks banners you so need to get one the ownly word i can say is just wow so awsome in his glory an spirit is always where i wont to be an his banner over us is love love love. love an shalom Yahweh an Yahshua bless you.an all of you guy 🙂
I also love the name… Dance dance dance on the head of the enemy !!!
Love the streamers together.
These are so beautiful! I love the name too!!!
You can feel the atmosphere shift just in the few moments that you shared. That’s FIYAHHH!!!