Posted on 18 Comments


I got a special order request for some overlays for a dance team and this is what they got!  It is rayon not silk (which bummed me out a little, but it was still surprisingly soft and much more affordable than silk would’ve been). Very comfortable, moved well and took the color BEAUTIFULLY- check out the demo and see for yourself!

View special orders

18 thoughts on “Overlays

  1. I had always assumed that rayon would be really difficult to dye.

    1. I definitely prefer dyeing silk!!!

  2. This special order overlay tunic is gorgeous! Some one is very blessed to be able to have these. You are so blessed to be able to have this glorious talent from God.

  3. Of course the “recipient” of the dance team has not commented yet. She’s a slacker 🙂 🙂 🙂 They are beautiful. (As you can tell it is me). Our direction for the intended purpose changed and they will be used soon. Again when they arrived – it was so much more than imagined. They are soft and supple. Meghan I never said thank you – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

    1. Lol I surely was thinking of you Judy as I posted the blog and was wondering how y’all liked them! Glad to hear you were blessed 🙂 Love you!!!

  4. Love the site and my scarf!!! Almost time to get another one!!! So excited to see what the next one will look like!! Be blessed in all that you do dear Sister!!!

  5. it’s awesome. why not doing this more? i know that is probablly more work, but it’s awesome

    1. Anyone is welcome to contact me to do a special order. That’s why I post these videos so you can see what I have available. But on things like this where there are size issues to deal with and rayon is not a fabric I feel led by the Father to add to my product line… well, that’s why I don’t do more 🙂

  6. and, this is what i wear, specially during summer – so, why not have some anoitted and special custom one or more?

  7. You make the best model! How awesomely cool would it be to worship wearing the top and a scarf and using your flags!!!! Are these also Prophetically dyed?

  8. Oooooooh. I love that blue!!! LOL I actually have a shirt that is cut in a VERY similar way, it is my absolute favorite shirt. GORGEOUS!!!

  9. Ah-mazing!! I want one.

    Also, this is so good. I mean, so so goood… Us, being clothed int the word of G-d; being THE signal against the enemy for we are the soldiers…

    (Isaiah 59:19)

    This is awesome!! ♥ ♥ ♥

  10. That is beautiful! Love the blue.

  11. I really love this!

  12. They are very pretty! Again you look beautiful in blue!

  13. Now all you need is some pants or a skirt to match it.

  14. I’m gonna have to remember this when I’m ready. We don’t have a dance team yet because we just moved and are starting our own congregation. The congregation we just left has been trying to get worship garments for a while and have had finding/making them. Thanks for this!

  15. That’s a great color! Never thought of having a ‘tunic’ made; great idea!

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