My 10 year old friend who you’ve seen before (see her with 2XLR quills) with a pair of M quill flags called Bondage Breaker. These are powerful! Also see a pair of them in L below with our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners 🙂
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My 10 year old friend who you’ve seen before (see her with 2XLR quills) with a pair of M quill flags called Bondage Breaker. These are powerful! Also see a pair of them in L below with our friend Nickol from Prophetic Worship Banners 🙂
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😀 Grinning from ear to ear 😀
WOW!! Anointed Flags and an Amazingly Anointed Dancer!! I’m LOVING THESE flags how much would these cost? Would you be willing to make some like them for me?
I may need to order a small pair of those as the Father was showing me some stuff today. 🙂
I have a couple of people in mind I would like to use those flags for.
glorious! So awesome to see the next generation in action!!!
What awesome worship from the next generation. The flags are gloriously anointed, and as always beautiful.
just love so beautiful yahweh yahshua bless you love an shalom:)
I love to see kids worship with flags! She is amazing!
She reminds me of a smaller Allissa :)) same anointing, same stream/flow. Really beautiful worship.
goosebumps all over!
Love it! Love to see young people praising with such joy and freedom!
WOW!! Breaker anointing all over those!!! Praise God!!
These are beautiful and such a powerful image! I love it!
Amanda, I do have to agree and smile 🙂
She is my flag buddy at church.
These flags are AMAZING!! …And this young girl is TOO!!