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Faithful in Cambodia

Faithful-Cambodia-AndreaOh how I love seeing Dyed4you silk on the missions field!!!  You’ve seen this pair of rainbow swing flags before (see the post here), they’re called Faithful. You will also see a BUNCH of synthetic swing flags Andrea (whose flag ministry I’ve mentioned before) made to bring along with her on this trip (which I believe she intends to bless the people with).

Here’s what Andrea shared about the video below:

I’m in Cambodia at the moment and spent the last several days with the Khmer people, teaching them many new ways to connect with God and host his presence. When we first arrived, they were reserved in their worship but I taught on flag worships and let them try it – it transformed the worship for the rest of the conference.

Praise God!!!  And this trip is STILL going on – so would you please join me in praying for this awesome time of being God’s hands and feet in action in Cambodia? I hope you’ll enjoy this precious video clip 🙂

View swing flags

8 thoughts on “Faithful in Cambodia

  1. The joy of the Lord!

  2. This is so wonderful to watch and see these people find freedom in worship this way.

  3. Wow!! This excites my Spirit man. Not too long ago, the Father gave me instruction to intercede on behalf of Cambodia for a new wave of his Spirit to rain down upon Cambodia and spread into all of South Eastern Asia (Laos, Thailand, etc). I saw it like a cloud in the spirit beginning from the south coast of Cambodia and blowing northward into mainland Asia. HOW FAITHFUL IS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER!! What a blessing for these people to learn about warfare and worship. This will be instrumental in changing their cultural atmosphere; allowing the Holy spirit to move in ways never before seen in Cambodia. I can only imagine how exciting and humbling this is for your friend, Andrea. It is an honor to be called; an even greater honor to be chosen. Thank you so much for posting. Thank you even more for your faithfulness to the work the Heavenly Father has laid before you. Be blessed!

  4. GLORY!!!!! Joy, joy, joy!!!!! <3

  5. Awesome! Hallelujah!!!!

  6. wow so awsome prasise yahweh an yahshua :):)

  7. YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  8. Wow! Love the vibrancy and praying they continue to move with their added joy and passion in worship! Would love to see that freedom in more churches here too! We get too used to things being a certain way!

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