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Holy Fire Swing Flags

HolyFireSwingFlagsIn this video we have a pair of regular swing flags called Holy Fire and though you’ve seen Holy Fire before (like this video here), you haven’t seen a pair like this – and I really like how they came out.  You guys really liked the picture I posted of them while they were dyeing when I posted it on our Facebook page too 🙂


It really shows how different the colors are when they’re wet! The music in the video below is live from IHOP-KC. Enjoy!!!

View swing flags

14 thoughts on “Holy Fire Swing Flags

  1. These are incredible! I am feeling very warm suddenly… 🙂

  2. WOW goosbumps beautiful maghen love an shalom 🙂

  3. OK, I know we are supposed to let you do prophetically dyed silks for us but I am feeling a very strong sense to order a pair of these for my self. 🙂

    1. Jeanne, What we want is for people to have what Father wants them to have, if He’s telling you it’s these, get these by all means!

  4. This make me want some swing flags! I am usually a streamer girl. Beautiful as always 🙂

  5. Glorious

  6. Holy Fire reign down!

  7. Before I even knew the name of the flags the first thing that came to mind was wow looks like she’s holding fire! How cool!! Love it everything that you make at dyed4 you is so lovely.

  8. Oh oh oh! I NEED those!!!! One of the cities on the coast near me does this thing where they drop glass floats on the beach for people to find. I went feeling that the Lord had one for me. The one I found is all these colors and when I found it one of the things God told me about it was Holy Fire!!! 🙂

  9. Makes me want tog et my flags out right now, but I’ve got places to be, sigh.

  10. These colors are amazing!

  11. Oh my goshies!!!! Gorgeous Meghan!!!!

  12. Wow!! Yep..goosebumps!! Sweet passionate worship from a heart on fire for Him! Thanks for sharing Meghan!!! May these bring revival and white hot passionate desire for Him wherever someone worships with them!!

  13. Meghan… to watch you worship is so beautiful. The essence of the beautiful woman God created you to be radiates from you when you are dancing. You are breathtaking. …I am doing a Bible study group with some very sweet high school senior girls, and we are reading “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldridge. And I am always reminded of so many things in that book when I see you doing what you were created to do. Sigh… 🙂

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