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Joyful Praise Swing Flags

JoyfulPraiseSwingFlagsThis is a pair of swing flags called Joyful Praise. You’ve seen a pair of voi before in this style (though it’s been a while). These are bright, colorful silks and look wonderful in motion… of course they all do! LOL 🙂

The music is live from IHOP-KC

View swing flags

14 thoughts on “Joyful Praise Swing Flags

  1. Your flags are beautiful, are they for sale?
    If so how much?

    1. This pair is not but yes I do sell them 🙂

      Here’s the info:

      Bless you!

  2. Those beauties would light up any bodies life. Wow, what a color party!

  3. So vibrant and full of life. No wonder they are called joyful praise; no one could look at those flags and not feel overwhelming joy and peace. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. Wow those are beautiful! Add these to my favorites list. lol

  5. Love these colors so vibrant and lovely……

  6. I just finished a brief study on praise and I wanted to share what I read. Praise has a powerful effect on the believer, the devil, and on God. It is our highest calling. Praise forces you to get your attention on God and off your problems. Praise will build you up spiritually and keep you from crumbling, “for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Neh. 8:10). Praise is a powerful weapon against the devil that has no negative fallout. In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat appointed singers to lead his army into battle with praise unto the Lord. When they went into battle singing and praising God, the Lord set an ambush, and their enemies were defeated. Praise is giving of yourself to God — an intimate communion with Him. If we would praise and seek God first, during our prayer time, other things would be added unto us. (Matt. 6:33) “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name”(Heb. 13:15).

  7. just what the Dr. ordered.

  8. Meghan they are PERFECT!!!! I was praying that you would do a demo video so I could see them in action before I got my hands on them!!!! I actually shared my testimony this morning in church about how I am celebrating 3 years clean and sober, and my pastor was saying how I am God’s show and tell for the church on just how powerful worship is, and how my praise and worship has been making me more and more noticeably free in Christ! I LOVE THEM ALREADY!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much!

  9. Those flags are a call to celebrate! I love the colors…. they scream “come worship with me”!!

  10. WoW!! need to have someone video you while worshipping with them so we can see them in your hands!

    Jeanne, thanks for sharing that! Praise and worship is how the Lord has healed me of SO many things! It is also my weapon against depression..when I start to feel down I know it is time to put on my garment of praise!

  11. Gorgeous!

  12. wooooow beautiful

  13. My 2 year old has a mini flag in Joyful Praise. He loves it and squeals during worship.

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