It is very rare that I create mismatched flag pairs (here’s a set I shared a while back), but this pair called Spirit & Truth (Spirit is the lighter blue and Truth the darker). They came out beautifully and with a powerful word! Here you’ll see it in the S, M and XL quill sizes. 🙂
The music is my friend Ariel Henry who is amazingly gifted and anointed 🙂
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I LOVE the names! And they are so lovely to watch… it’s like worship and warfare!
beautiful! And I can sing of His love forever! Love that song!
I love mixing flags based on What Ruach HaKodesh tells me!
This is awesome worship!!!
Beautiful flags. To me, mismatched doesn’t matter. what matters is what the Holy Spirit would have you release into the atmosphere. There is much unity and power in these “mismatched” flags. Thanks for sharing. Blessings! 🙂
I really like those especially the extra large. I loved it when you flagged with them together!
Love this. They are beautiful, there was such peace as I watched you worship
love this
thank you for sharing, it’s beautiful and Meghan you are looking awesome as you worship, <3
I love the mismatch flags! They compliment each other so well
nice just loveum 🙂