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Zealous/Kingdom Layered Quills

Kaitlyn-Zealous-KingdomThis video is Nickol’s (our friend from Prophetic Worship Banners) daughter Kaitlyn during worship. She said, “The worship was especially powerful and went on an extra half hour. It was wonderful! Hope you enjoy it! The flags are XL Quills in Purple (Kingdom) and D4Y M Quills in Zealous for God. The Combination makes Zealous for God’s Kingdom!”

This technique of using more than one pair of quills is called layering.  Here’s a demo I did showing it – you’ve also seen Kaitlyn doing it before in this post here.

The song is by David Ruis and is called “No Other”

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16 thoughts on “Zealous/Kingdom Layered Quills

  1. Actually, we call it ‘stacking’. 😉

    1. Lol ok “I” call it layering 🙂

  2. I love that girl. It makes me glad whenever the Spirit leads me to pause in my worship and capture hers!

  3. I do this sometimes with my other flags, I don’t dance like as gracefully as she does but it is amazing…Papa God leads us to do many colors at times…I love it though when Holy spirit so thic He tells me to lie down on the floor….covered in flags 😀 soaking 😀 This is awesome video…I wanna learn to dance 😀


  5. Love layering! So beautiful!

  6. stacking or layering it does not matter what you call it…it was beautiful way to worship our Lord

  7. Awesome!

  8. Beautiful worship!!! Love it!

  9. That was so anointed. I love seeing other flaggers worship. I know I am not alone out here in the world of flagging.

  10. I love the layered look! Beautiful!!!

  11. so annointed… love

  12. Such beautiful worship. I really like both flags, but together they are stunning. What a wonderful release of the prophetic; just as our Father is zealous for us, we are to be zealous for him and his kingdom. Powerful. Anointed.
    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  13. BEAUTEFUL……………………….love an shalom:)

  14. I loved this video. How tender and sweet her worship is.

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