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Already Paid L Quills

iPhone 009These are some beautiful pictures of a pair of L quill flags called Already Paid (you saw the demo here and have also seen these in voi). You actually also got to see a brief clip of the recipient using them during a church service as well, and I got some stills of these flags before they were shipped for future Dyed4you Art 🙂

iPhone 008 iPhone 007

iPhone 006 iPhone 005

iPhone 003 Already Paid L Quills

View quills

4 thoughts on “Already Paid L Quills

  1. I love these. They are really pretty!

  2. beautiful

  3. these flags still move me even though there myen now the anonting of yahweh is still on them i didnt chose them. he choses them for me just like hes chosen all of us that worship him in spririt an truth ive been truely blesst by magehn an the beautiful anonting the father has anonted her with thank you maghen much love an shalom 🙂

  4. Those are beautiful! They remind me of our colorful West Texas sunsets…so lovely.

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