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Swing flags Joy comes in the morning

JoyComes-SwingFlagsIn this video you can see Meghan with these beautiful swing flags called Joy comes in the morning! You probably have seen the beaded Tallit version before on Meghan. It’s so precious to see how different yet so alike every silk is in it’s individual beauty … From the scarves to the quill flags or even our streamers. The Father has His unique touch in all of them 🙂


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7 thoughts on “Swing flags Joy comes in the morning

  1. Gorgeous! Thanks I needed that blessing this afternoon!

  2. very pretty very fall harvets coloers loveum 🙂 love an shalom

  3. Such a peaceful video. I love watching you flag. So beautiful, and my favorite colors to boot 🙂

  4. How beautiful, my spirit just soars watching!

  5. I love Jay Comes in the Morning!!

  6. Meghan, you are absolutely radiant!! The Holy Spirit really just radiates off of you!

  7. These are beautiful! Really touched my heart tonight after a rough day! 🙂

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