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One Night with a King

Calah-OneNightWithaKingEarlier this week I shared a snippet from worship this past weekend and promised to share the young ladies dance special when the video was posted… well here it is and it is wonderful! She’s dancing with a pair of special order 2XLR quill flags (named Come to Me), which you’ve seen before when one of our “PFT Angels” was worshiping with them. The song is called One Night with a King and the dance was done Purim weekend. Enjoy 🙂

View special order / quills

11 thoughts on “One Night with a King

  1. Talk about passionate! That was amazing- Loved it!

  2. I love the markings on these quill flags. Absolutely beautiful colors.

  3. I loved her surrender and freedom as she danced.

  4. Wow!!! So beautiful I’m crying. So anointed.

  5. Wow!!!!! How beautiful!!!!! What an anointed young woman…I stood up and clapped at the end too!

  6. Oh that we could all worship and dance with such freedom! Lovely.

  7. So beautiful

  8. She sure has a marvelous gift! That was so beautiful to watch! 🙂

  9. Enjoyed her passion and her energy! She totally poured herself out while dancing to that song. 🙂

  10. Glory be to God! Bless her Heart of Worship!!! She is not just dancing and Flagging… You can see and feel her passion! This was a blessing to my spirit! Thank You for posting!

  11. When King David danced before the ark, as it was being brought back to Jerusalem, his wife saw him dancing and despised him because he was “dancing naked.” Now, we know that the king was fully clothed; he’s described as wearing priestly garments…(and no, it wasn’t just an ephod & nothing else, he WAS clothed)…his wife saw him exposing his heart and dancing with his all, shamelessly, and that was the nakedness she was referring to–he was exposing his true self in his worship. That’s what Calah did. She “danced naked” and let us all experience the soaring heights we can reach when we spend One Night With The King. Calah, my girl, I am so beyond proud of you 🙂

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