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The Creator’s Essence

CreatorsEssenceSo excited to share this with you today!  For regulars in the Dyed4you Community, you know Dyed4you uses anointing oils created by our sister ministry the Scent of Heaven.  Carol (the founder and heart and hands behind the ministry) has been a spiritual mom to me since the first year of Dyed4you.

Carol lost her father at the age of five. At the time she said to God that she would just talk to Him as her Father since she didn’t have her earthly dad anymore. Pretty profound for a child of that age, but all I can tell you is the fruit of that choice is clearly evident in Carol’s life and in her walk.

Warrior - my first bottle of the Scent of Heaven anointing oilIt has been an honor to sit under her and to walk with her through the birth of the Scent of Heaven (to the right see me holding my very first bottle of the Scent of Heaven oil – Warrior – back in 2007). I have been integrally involved in many of the oils and so have Dyed4you intercessors and others in the Dyed4you community. Our fingerprints are all over this newest creation of Carol’s: a devotional book based on the anointing oils and things Father spoke about them. The name of the book is The Creator’s Essence.

This book also gives a unique look into what it looks like to be a prophetic intercessor in the sense that Carol frequently shares the stories of how the oils were created, which gives the intricate details of each of us bringing our fuzzy puzzle pieces together to create something divinely beautiful.

CreatorEssenceI was privileged to create the cover, which is of course a Dyed4you silk called promises of God (which you’ve seen before). This particular one is my baby blanket. And in my video (below) I mention the Revelation bracelets – here’s the link to the gift set on Carol’s site.

Below I share a more about the book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🙂

Visit the Scent of Heaven / buy the Creator’s Essence

4 thoughts on “The Creator’s Essence

  1. […] made this video about the book to share with the Dyed4you Community.  You can see her whole post here or just enjoy the video […]

  2. Wow! Love this! Thanks for sharing and I am looking forward to add her site to my Spiritual Arsenal!

  3. wow that is so asome just love that 🙂

  4. I was in love with the cover from the moment I first saw the post… I should’ve known that you designed it! LOL! I will be ordering my copy very soon! Yay…so excited!!!

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