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An Unexpected Gift

This beautiful, warm Dyed4you throw blanket was an unexpected, impromptu gift (that divinely ended up being the colors that was special to their relationship). This Special Order throw was crafted a little differently than our How-To Make a D4Y Throw instructs, instead being essentially inlaid in the design of the throw itself. It turned out possibly the crispest and most professional-looking of all the throws I’ve created! I’ll definitely be doing more in this style in the future. 

It was a tad smaller at 50×60″ (rather than about 53×70), but it kept its perfectly square shape and looked so lovely with the velvety border around the silk (it was a velvety throw we attached the silk to rather than the minky fleece). Below are more shots both during and after the construction process.


3 thoughts on “An Unexpected Gift

  1. SOOOOO Beautiful !!! Great job !

  2. Wow! Love the colors, but of course, those are my fav. I’d be too tempted to “wave” it around like a flag, but oh my, to sit and rest in the Lord under that beauty……. sigh…..

    1. LOL 🙂 Well in case you’re curious, here’s the same style as a large long quill flag

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