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More Than Just a Scarf

This is a beautiful testimony about a crinkle silk called At His Feet. She originally saw a picture of another At His Feet silk posted on our Dyed4you Ministries FB page and fell in love! The rest is history 🙂 

Hi Meghan. Oh my goodness, your ministry is so powerful and beautiful and life giving. I wanted that scarf because it would match my clothes and I loved it. God had a bigger picture than that. As I read the prophetic nugget that is connected to this scarf God began to speak to me. I wanted to share some of that while it’s fresh.

Words that struck out at me were: Wait inHis Presence, Release of Control, and A Shifting. He told me this season before me is different and the scarf represents a season of “Reset”. He’s been giving me a new set of foundations, foundations set in Him, no me. This time of waiting at His Feet, is a special time, where he will teach me how to walk, get my footing on His foundations. A time to listen and wait until I hear instead of acting on what seems right and is familiar to me.

Thanks so much for this beautiful scarf and sharing the Word that is connected to it.

Below are some shots from while we were making it 🙂

2 thoughts on “More Than Just a Scarf

  1. I think it is so amazing how He speaks!

  2. This sounds similar to my story … I also fell in love with my flags from a facebook post and the love letter sealed the deal. I am so glad that she was able to receive such a beautiful word from the Father. I too love this about this ministry. It is so much deeper than buying a pretty scarf… And she is GLOWING 🙂

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