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Kids Praising during a Service in OH

Amanda E. shared her scarves with two children during a church service – they had a blast! She caught two quick clips on her phone 🙂

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7 thoughts on “Kids Praising during a Service in OH

  1. cute! 🙂

  2. Next time I’ll bring my camera. The girls are already asking if I’m bringing them again Sunday 🙂

  3. love it! I have shared mine with the kids at Church too.

  4. How wonderful the children worshiping !!

  5. Ah-you know my heart is totally sold out for the little ones Meghan. How precious. Their worship is so innocent and precious. They are always completely unhindered when they worship-Love it!

  6. I offered to let them keep them. One mom is actually ordering her daughter one for her birthday coming soon, so that child is borrowing it. The other mom declined. So her daughter went into her closet the next day, picked out one of the store bought scarves, and told her mom before they left for daycare that she was taking this scarf to daycare with her. SHe wanted everyone to see her “God Loves Us” scarf. She named it herself 🙂

  7. aww that is so cute Amanda! thanks for sharing…i love innocence in a child…its so precious!

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