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Caleb with Voi Pair

Here’s some pictures of Caleb Brundidge using his Emissary of Light voi pair (you saw video of Allen, my hubby, using). Can’t wait to see some video of him with them at some point, but in the meanwhile, this will suffice 😉

(The last 3 images are courtesy of Andrew Anunciation)

View Voi on Dyed4you

7 thoughts on “Caleb with Voi Pair

  1. Wow! The first one really looks like fire! That’s incredible. The second kind of looks like arms around him. That is really beautiful.

  2. As much as I love the videos, I like how cameras freeze a moment in time & you can see the beauty of it in motion.

  3. The first one does look like fire. That was my first impression. The colors are awesome the way they blend together. I love the length and flow. Caleb is a true “Emissary of Light” with these!!!

  4. the most beautiful creativity in colors i have ever seen. the anointing so evident in the pictures. wish i was closer-could help you try them out 🙂 God Bless You Much as you keep dyeing for Him.

  5. AMAZING!!!! I absolutely love that color combination!! It is “other-worldly”!!! Picture number 13 gives me chills!! What a masterful match-up of anointings…Dyed4You & Bro. Caleb!!! I just LOVE our God!!!!

  6. This is so breathtaking! I love the colors! He is really good at it.

  7. Really pretty pair of voi. Great pictures!

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