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Heart after Him (pillowcase)

A cool confirmation on a pillowcase that was a gift from a wife to her husband 🙂

Thank you so much for your obedience to the Holy Spirit. May the Lord richly bless you.

I was so delighted to receive “Heart After Him” pillowcase for my husband. I was not sure how he would respond to a pillowcase birthday present, especially a prophetically dyed one at that! I sensed the Holy Spirit’s leading and placed an order. He was very touched by the word and gift.

I was blown away at how the name “Heart after Him” is part of an alert at 8:00am that I have set on my phone as a reminder to pray for him throughout the day. I set the alert last year and it encourages me to thank the Lord for my husband, as “he is a gift from God and seeking the heart of God.” The colors:

  • Pea green: Encouragement (I encourage him and my favorite color)
  • White: Innocence (our children)
  • Mahogany: Warrior Heart (my husband being raised up)

Thank you. What a precious gift, as he rests his head, covering all of us as the Lord covers him. The oil: Pure Heart (Father, create a pure heart in all of us. May we hide Your Word in our hearts that we might not sin against You).

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9 thoughts on “Heart after Him (pillowcase)

  1. I love the idea of setting an alarm to pray for someone! I was told that when we set a time such as this everday, God waits for us before time! Its like setting a date with Him. So awesome!

  2. What an awesome story! I love what Amanda wrote.

  3. Beautiful pillowcase! Yet once again, the gift giver is as encouraged as the recipient. It is so cool how God faithfully rewards the generous heart. Prov 11:25 “The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.” Love that.

  4. Wow!!! What a great story. I love this ladies heart to pray for her husband, follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and purchase a scarf for her honey. The pillowcase is beautiful. The colors are so rich. May her husband be blessed and have sweet sleep on this beautiful pillowcase. You are so gifted Meghan. Thank you!!!

  5. That’s a really good idea for the guys! Never thought of that. That’ really beautiful that God also honored HER heart for her husband to grow and be raised up in the Lord. I like the alarm reminder too!

  6. Thank you, Meghan. Amazing!!!! Once again, I am GREATLY blessed by all of your sharing and encouragement. After I read the comments, I told the Lord, “They are blessing me, again.” It feels like I have a Gospel Choir in my home… Beautiful words of encouragement. Yay!!!! Proverbs 11:25. WOW! I was not familiar with that one! I should have that on a cup and make hats for my children so that I can continually read it:) Imagining how the Lord waits for me at an apointed time, too–too much of His goodness, if there were ever such a thing… God is honoring me… Whoa:)

    May the Lord draw each of us near and nearer to Him. May we lean back and put our ear to His heart. Could there be a sweeter sound that hearing the heart of God. Psalm 37:7a (Amp): “Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him;”

  7. Thanks for sharing this story. I, too, love the idea of setting an alarm or reminder to pray for someone or something specific. It’s so easy in our busy lives to just go on with our days without taking the time to for the vital task of prayer. As for the pillowcase itself, it never occurred to me to do a pillowcase. I LOVE this idea. What a wonderful thing to lay your head down each night on a pillow covered with the love of the Lord and a great reminder to think of Him as we drift off to sleep each night. It’s such a peaceful thought to me!

  8. I just read this after having a serious heart to heart with my husband this evening. He has been in the valley of Elah fighting his own Goliaths for some time, and I love the idea of setting my intercessory alarms for him! Hearing from the ladies and how you cherish and support your husbands always blesses me!

  9. How peaceful to lay your head down on such an anointed pillowcase. Now you need to get one for your side of the bed. Sweet dreams!

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