Posted on 8 Comments

Blooper :)

Couldn’t resist sharing this moment – Amanda E was worshiping with the “Gatekeeper” wing and was doing her best to work in the small space with the big wing πŸ™‚

It’s also a great reminder that we ALL have these moments πŸ˜‰

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8 thoughts on “Blooper :)

  1. Hahahahahaha!!!!! That was really funny & I’m glad you posted it, lol πŸ™‚

  2. Oh, I’m thankful for this, too! πŸ˜€ It’s so “real”.

  3. Keep on keeping on. Don’t let anything stop you.

    May God’s blessings surround you,
    Charlotte Dumka

  4. Thank you for sharing this one πŸ™‚ It show us that we all having little oops and it is ok. It is so funny to watch all this clips of Amanda worshiping with the wings.

  5. My favorite is Meghan trying to restrain the!!!

  6. LOL. Keep on keeping on. πŸ™‚

  7. Too funny. Love this. Reminds of every time my Pastor gets a flag in her hands it seems like she either throws the flag or drops it. She will look at me like “oops.” Worshipping is hard bussiness. He’s just keep’n us humble.

  8. I needed a good giggle today. Thanks for sharing. Sure glad Papa God has a sense of humor. It’s good not to take ourselves so seriously all the time. Heee, heee!!!!

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