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Emma with a Wing

Miss Emma got to use her grandmother’s wing – who could not love to watch the silk move 🙂

Fun pictures of a sweetie worshiping God!  This is the same wing you saw video of in this post.

View semicircle on Dyed4you

14 thoughts on “Emma with a Wing

  1. A child shall lead them !!! How powerful. God is raising up our children to be worshipers and lead us into an awakening of the holy spirit !! Revival is at hand. Breath life into these dry bones !!

  2. Amen, Kimberly. How gorgeous!!!!

  3. What a cutie. Innosence, purity before God. Just loving Him and worshipping Him for who He is out of a heart of love.

    May God’s blessings surround you,
    Charlotte Dumka

  4. She looks so happy & joyful with it!! God truly is raising up the children!!

  5. LOVE IT! She is adorable 🙂

  6. She’s cute! I need to get me a wing someday!

  7. Precious Emma! Amazing to see little ones worship the LORD. Beautiful child of God. I am so honored and blessed to be raising up little ones to worship the LORD and seek His face. I don’t remember anyone in my childhood circle dancing with scarves growing up in the 70-80s…
    Thank you for sharing:)

  8. @Melijen: That’s SO true. I don’t ever remember it either. So glad it’s rising up now in not just the kids, but in our generations too.

  9. Amanda and Melijen, It is beautiful to worship our Lord liek this. I never saw this as a child either, But then I all so went to a church that didn’t do these things. I lord Raising my hands and giving praise to God. Emma will being playing out side and she will be shouting to the Lord and just loving on him. We should all be able to do that 🙂

  10. Awesome!!! Yay God!!! I am excited to see more and more children and people openly worshiping and praising the LORD with bannerd and scarves. Wonder if the LORD’s eyes swell with tears of joy as He watches…

  11. @Tami: I was raised in a church like that too. You didn’t dare raise your hands, shout, say amen, let alone dance. Not until the past few years did I start seeing it. It took me awhile to just let go, but now I don’t care, lol. I just let loose and praise Him while I can. I definitely want my daughter to always know & feel free to do it too. I’m so glad your granddaughter is praising Him just as freely as you do Tami 🙂

  12. Oh wow! This wing looks like the scarf I just received for my daughter’s birthday! I’ve been wanting a wing so much, and I know Cassidy will want one too as soon as she sees this!!! God bless!

  13. Tammy – they were made together 🙂

  14. So precious! That’s a little worshiper right there, huh? 😀

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