Below is a portion of a three-part story. The three scarves mentioned all have stories – Fresh Oil, Overcomer (this story), and Wind & Fire. The stories are told using a combination of feedback from Faye (the woman who ordered them), feedback from the intercessors they were for, and I (Meghan) have filled in some details as well.
My husband and I wanted to buy gifts for 3 Intercessors we had met and decided on worship scarves. I searched the internet to no satisfaction. I kept feeling the urge from the Holy Spirit to search again, but it took until the third time before He led me to Dyed4You. I began to read the scarf stories on the site and felt the presence of God so strongly I broke down and cried. Little did I know this was only the beginning of an amazing journey.
God quickly showed me that Meghan was one of His precious children with a strong anointing and an even deeper love for the Father. I ordered the scarves and when I received Meghan’s email upon their completion I was thrilled to see she had in fact tapped into her Daddy’s heart for these women of God. – Faye
The name of the second scarf was Overcomer. “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son (daughter).” – Revelation 21:7.
The scarf was comprised of the tabernacle colors – completion, holy, living, true… red (Jesus, the Blood), purple (the Father, royalty), blue (Holy Spirit, washing in the Word), and white (reflections of God’s holiness). The scarf was prayed over and anointed with a blend of the Holy Oil of the Trinity and Light of Christ blessing oil.
When the scarf arrived to Faye, she called the intercessor to get her address and God moved even in that moment…
I called her to get her address and found that God’s heart was to encourage her right then. I told her about the scarf and that it was named “Overcomer“. God began to minister into Sharon’s life that Overcomer was not just something that she would do but that her name was now “Overcomer“. The scarf was already impacting her life and she hadn’t even received it yet. God is so awesome.
When she did receive the scarf she said she felt led to sleep with it around the top of her head for the first night. She said she kept smelling its sweet fragrance. This is a portion from a letter she wrote to us. – Faye
You will never know how much it means to me to have the scarf as a constant reminder that my Father is truly so mindful of me. I think since I got it, it’s like a bright light bulb came on in my being as to His love for me. I know it in my head but now it is in my heart and very being. There is more joy. – recipient
View the 22×72 scarf on Dyed4you
This one got me choked up as I read it. I had similar feelings when I received mine. I guess there are just seasons where you question if you are on track or not. I know when I look at mine I still feel a love that overwhelms my heart and it is reassuring to say the least.
II agree Julie. So many times you just don’t see anything happening in the natural and you start wondering if you’re doing what He wants you to. I love how He used this to encourage her!! I also sleep with one of mine like a bandana quite a bit.
Imagine God naming you “Ovecomer”. Whew. What an awesome proclamation. And to think that is how God sees you. Wow.
I LOVE reading these testimonies, Meghan!!! I love to hear how Yahweh puts all the pieces of the puzzle together and all we have to do is be obedient. 🙂
It;s always awesome to watch our Father put things together. He does it best and love how He works through all these amazing people