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Worshiping God (Exodus 32)

This is a post I shared on my personal blog not long ago, but since it’s about worship – which is so much the heart of Dyed4you – I thought I’d share it here as well. It all begins with a question: if worship is our gift to God is it more important that it be how we want? Or how He wants?

In pondering this question, let’s consider Exodus 32. To set the scene, the Israelites have just been delivered from Egypt – miracles like the red sea parting have shown God’s clear hand in their freedom. God’s given them the 10 commandments and given instructions for the creation of the tabernacle and the priestly garb, God spoke to the people and the people were afraid and said they wanted God to talk to Moses and they promised to listen to him.

Moses is up in the mountain and gone 40 days. The people give him up and instruct Aaron to fashion an idol, which he does (golden calf) and in verse 5:

…Aaron made proclamation and said, “Tomorrow shall be a feast to the LORD.”

So again I ask, who should we be pleasing with our worship? Him? Or us? shouldn’t the Israelites be allowed to worship God however they want? It’s funny that people can see how preposterous this is when it’s something “obvious” like a golden calf, but when God asks us to break loose in un-abandoned dance before Him and we choose to  be too embarrassed to even raise a hand… isn’t it the same thing? Our idol may not be a carved image, but the moment we care more what others will think they’ve become our idol. Or if we don’t do it because we don’t “feel” like it… we’ve just made ourself the idol.

Someone who TRULY loves someone else will discover what the OTHER person loves and desires and give them that, not bring them whatever their own desire dictates and simply expect them to like it!

For example, if my husband decided he wanted to bless me by getting a fur shawl made for me and so he killed and skinned my dog and made the shawl out of Sketch’s fur all by himself… regardless of his efforts do you think I’ll be remotely pleased with that gift? I’ll be like God in verse 10 whose wrath burns hot against them!

Lord, forgive us for our selfish pride and conceit. Help us to know Your heart for worship that we might truly please You. Teach us what blesses You that we might bring it… and worship You in Spirit and truth.

10 thoughts on “Worshiping God (Exodus 32)

  1. Ahhhhhhh, how my heart longs & burns for the Body of Christ to just freely dance, sing, & shout unto the Lord! For the Bride to dance for and with her Bridegroom because He rejoices & dances & sings over US!!!; to woo Him with the songs in our hearts & never cease to give it. I must admit it took me a few years to “break out” out the box, but once I did I had never felt so free in all my life! Nothing feels better than to give Him everything He deserves.

    This is probably the 3rd time I’ve written it, but In Exodus when Israel crosses the Red Sea & makes it to the other side, Moses sings a song of praise, and who else after him? Only the prophetess Miriam, Aaron’s sister. There are just 2 verses but they are profound. Miriam was well into her 80’s yet she picked up her timbrel & went out singing & dancing before God to praise Him for what He’d done. Did it appear she was concerned with how she “looked”? NO! In fact ALL the women of Israel decided to follow her lead. We must go forth unashamed, willingly, wholly, passionately, and with ALL that is within us. He is SO WORTHY of all our praise & worship.

    I truly believe an army of worshippers who do worship in Spirit & in truth are arising to sound the trumpet and lift up the Name of the Lord to all the earth!

  2. And Meghan, I just want to add the Lord is going to start showing you new worship tools to create for these last days that will sweep in a new song & dance into His children; that will usher in a new anointing that will pour out onto all that are near these creations. I believe the Lord is getting ready to refresh you & download some amazing visions & a new passion. Bless you sister! This is an exciting season for Dyed4you!

  3. Meghan and Amanda–both of you have two wonderful posts! AMEN and AMEN!! When I first started attending my current church I was PETRIFIED to even raise one hand in worship due to prior wrong teachings. How freeing it was when I finally got one hand in the air and then another!!!! I am still moving into more freedom in my worship with the Lord, but freedom has been increasing exponentially over the last year. He is SO AWESOME He does deserve ALL of our praise, ALL of our worship! It is So exhililrating when we get to the place where we are totally lost in our worship of Him!

  4. Whoa! Awesome teaching and word given. I agree. Also love the story of Miriam. Julie Meyer sings a beautiful song covering this discussion: Jewish Medley.

    Yes, I can relate to being taken out of my element and being put in line with His during public worship. There have been times in public that I have been moved like a flickering candle, gentle rocking of a wave, and nudging by a breeze in worship.Never out of order but sometimes out of my comfort zone:)

    On Saturday I was in the back of a Festival of Lights conference and started waving my Free Indeed scarf in line with worship. The Holy Spirit was strong in presence and angels were announced.

    A few years ago, even as a Christian I would have thought people were off the chart in make-believe-land but now I have joined ranks. I have felt the delivering power of God and am forever changed and unashamed.

    I love to flow in line with the Holy Spirit and feel deeply saddened when the presence of God is cut short or off. May all of God creation sing and dance like David and Miriam:)

  5. Sooo much truth & Godly wisdom here…. in the post & in the comments!!! May our worship & our everyday living be pleasing to the One Who is worthy of all we can possibly give!

    ♪♫♪… May the words of my mouth & the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You, my God. You’re my Rock & my Redeemer. You’re the reason that I sing. I desire to be a servant, in Your eyes, in Your eyes….♪♫♪

  6. Worship is freedom. Total Freedom.

    Let us dance like David danced. Amen

  7. I love that the Lord gave us the ability to dance, sing and worship Him in our own unique ways! I believe it is time for us to let God break down pride and let Him fully guide our feet, hands, mouth and all of our movements by His Holy Spirit:) Lord I ask you to show me how to dance with you, so in turn it will be for you:) I Love Jesus FOEVER

  8. Oh, Meghan!!!! I love, love, love this! What a fabulous reminder to me. When I am serving in our worship ministry next…or when I am in the congregation…or when I am alone…this will serve as a reminder to me!

    Thank you for sharing this!

    (Sheesh. What’s with all the exclamation points?) 😉

  9. The first time I EVER danced before the Lord, I was worshiping and praying by myself in my church’s prayer room with Jason Upton’s Faith cd playing . . . the song Freedom came on and I remember standing up and swinging my arms wide open, singing, and my feet began to move. All my heart desired at that moment was to show every bit of love before His throne. Just writing this brings me back to that precious moment and gives me chills! When Meghan states that when you love someone so deeply you discover the desire of their heart, I could not agree more. Without that knowledge accompanied by a consuming love for our Father, our actions are just hollow imitations.

  10. …Dance in praise and bow in worship to YHVH Eloheinu El Shaddai. In the end only his view will count. You will be able to praise him for eternity. There will be no passivity as Jewish Midrash states. The Scriptures clearly contradict that statement. We will be active. Talents should and will continue. I can totally see you Meghan making your fabrics in the world to come, a place with no death and all the time in the world. We may only wear white robes but that does not negate the ability to dance or twirl a veil. We will be us as G-d’s image bearers forever. I would feel so out of place if I could not use what G-d gave me in Heaven.

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