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Caleb Worshipping with Voi

Yay!ย  Someone got video of Caleb Brundidge using his Emissary of Light voi at a recent conference whileย  Joshua Mills lead worship.ย  So fun to see these in action ๐Ÿ™‚

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15 thoughts on “Caleb Worshipping with Voi

  1. WOW! That is so awesome! He is amazingly graceful. =)

  2. WOAH!!!!!! I’m standing in my living room shouting, YAY, GOD!!!! Thanks for sharing. This is brilliant!!!!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! That’s incredible he can dance with them like that! Look how fast he’s moving them, lol!! Glad someone got this on camera ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Oh, so beautiful! I love how they move. :’)

  6. Ths is so beautiful !! He has an anointing like David did to dance before God and worship woth all His heart. Not caring what others might think. Beautiful and it is the anoniting brakes the yoke !! Glory will follow wherever your feet trod and you will be a caarrier of the anointing of God and the freedom that will come to others as you worship with all your heart befor the Lord. Yoou will draw them into the presence of God and their hearts will be changed and healed .

  7. Wow!!! That is beautiful to watch. I agree with all the ladies!! @ I stand in agreement with what Kimberly B. spoke. Bless you all ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Caleb was at my church last weekend.. he is a blessing to watch..he makes it look so elegant & easy..beautiful movement

  9. Caleb + Voi = Awesome!!!

  10. All I can say is… “That gave me Holy Spirit bumps.” whooo hooo. Awesome

  11. Outstanding! My toddlers were mesmerized, too. My oldest even brought over her favorite toy to watch Caleb worship with voi. As I watched Caleb, I wondered when I will see a video of Allen worshiping with voi. I agree what the ladies have posted. Amen!!!

  12. AMAZING!

  13. Cool it reminds me of being caught up in a whirl wind of Gods presence.

  14. Lisa! Love the mind picture your comment made!!
    I keep watching Caleb and wondering which men at church would enjoy worshipping with voi!!!!

  15. Powerful worship by Caleb. Men standing up unafraid in true worship to God.

    May God’s blessings surround you,
    Charlotte Dumka

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