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Little Proclaimer

Such a sweet story of miss Maddy who now has her OWN scarf 🙂

This morning I was obviously waiting with great anticipation for the mailman to come. As soon as I saw him, I ran out the door. What’s better is MADDY ran out the door and recognized the package and yelled “MY SCARF MOMMY!!!”.

I hadn’t even opened it yet, lol. So, I say on the front steps, opened it up, and she intermediately took off with it in the front yard. She was laughing and running around all over the place.

So as I sat and read the letter, she started dancing and singing “This Is The Day”…keep in mind this is in our front yard at school bus time. So…LOTS of kids and parents outside. It was awesome, lol! So, I went and got my camera and filmed her briefly and then tried to take a few pictures as she dashed around the yard. She’s absolutely in love with it!

On a more “serious” note, the letter is right on for her. She is called into either evangelism or preaching in some way. Her 2 favorite things to do are to stand on top of her swing set in the “clubhouse” and yell hello to people walking past and then get them into some sort of conversation (which ultimately leads ME into conversation).

And, she also LOVES to take walks for the SOLE purpose of finding people outside to go say hello to and tell them it’s a beautiful day, my name is Madison what’s yours, or to give them a buckeye or leaf she’s found along the sidewalk. Yes…my child is a “Proclaimer”, LOL. In fact, I have video of her with a pretend microphone yelling at the top of her lungs “power in Jesus name!!!!!”….COMPLETELY unprovoked or coached. She just does it on her own.

She also lays hands on people and prays along with me (somewhat). She’s done it in the toddler room at church before when a kid has gotten hurt. She’ll go over and put a hand on them and say “heal their body…in Jesus name…amen! You all better buddy!”.

Again, yes, she’s a “Proclaimer”. She loves to encourage people. She tells everyone “good job buddy”. loves to give hugs and high fives to everyone, purposefully asks to me to roll the window down in the car going through the drive-thru so she can say “Hi! Have a good day, ok!?”.

So although I’m bragging a little (ok, a lot) it’s just ways that this scarf’s meaning out of Isaiah 61 and the oil “Hope” tie in with her and the calling on her life. 🙂

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14 thoughts on “Little Proclaimer

  1. Oh my goodness! I think this is my favorite scarf story EVER! Maddy is totally precious. What a blessing to get to witness a little moment with this blessed little lady. I know she does and will continue to spread light and joy to MANY!

    Thank you SO much for sharing.


  2. Yep, I just watched the video on your FB page, Amanda. oooohhhhh, I just want to give her a sweet little hug. I love, the faith of little children. Something to learn from actually. Reminds me of my little one. She is just a treasure and this is a testimony of how well you are nurturing her and bringing her up in the admonition of the Lord. Way to go, mommy!!

  3. So very special! Looks like those might be ” her colors” too?

  4. Love this story! What an example she is in her abandon before Christ!

  5. What a beautiful story Amanda, thank you for sharing. I just LOVE to see the love of Jesus on the little ones. They just step right out and show their love for all people. What a beautiful scarf for such a beautiful little girl. Bless you and Maddy!!

  6. What a blessing children are. You can see why Jesus tells us to be like them. Thank you for sharing this Amanda. Go Maddy! Yeah God!

  7. Madison is so cute. Love the way children give it to you straight. No pullled punches.
    I have a granddaughter named Madison. I can just see that loving truth coming out of children. It is refreshing.

    May God’s blessings surround you,
    Charlotte Dumka

  8. This is my Maddy Mae (my granddaughter), what an awesome gift from God (just like her mother is), I am blessed beyond words. My heart almost bursts when I watch her worship, she has a wonderful, sweet, but powerful anointing in her worship and dance! I am also a worshiper, and I can’t wait to get my own scarf soon to honor God in my worship and dance as Maddy and Amanda do. I’m praying to get wings (both kind) soon too. God’s peace, Jeanette, mama, nana

  9. I love this story!! It to touches my heart to see little ones.. Praiseing God!

  10. I love that her scarf matches her sweater…especially on the day she received her scarf! haha! I love when mother brag about their children so please do not hesitate to. It is amazing to see what joy she bring in to your life. I pray that when I have chidren they are as faithful and joyful as Maddy is! She is an inspiration to me!

    Love you and your family, Amanda from USA! 🙂

  11. This is my beautiful Maddy Mae (my granddaughter), and I couldn’t be more proud! She is truly a worshiper and proclaimer of Christ. She’s always singing his praises, and she’ll shout, “There’s power in Jesus name!” She’s already a mighty woman of God!!!

  12. How wonderful! I love the video — she’s awesome!

  13. thank you sweety you make us all smile 🙂 love an shalom

  14. Lord,How precious and joyful this little child is……It’s a perfect example of child-like faith in action……She praises the Lord without fear or any reservation whatsoever! We as adults should take a lesson from this!! I just love this video and the precious pictures.

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