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Royal Glory

The Lord drew a fellow worshiper to the site and her first order was a number of the popular style scarves. They arrived just before she attended a worship conference – her comment when she got back was “I could feel the anointing on the worship scarves and as I danced before the Lord with them the anointing increased… I absolutely love them and will treasure them as a gift from the Lord.”

She sensed she was also to order one of the beaded veils. She instructed me to let the Lord show me what to make… and He did. Below is the letter that went with the veil.

The name of your scarf is Royal Glory. It is made up of:

  • gold representing glory
  • amber representing fiery passion
  • earthy red representing apple of His eye
  • purple representing royalty
  • mahogany brown representing warrior’s heart – praise in the mouth and sword in the hand [Psalm 149:3-7]
  • metallic gold representing beauty for ashes

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Glory Drops, which are used for those who are pressing in and desiring to rest in His glory.

The history behind this oil is that one day during church Carol (the woman God called to blend the oils) saw a vision of glory drops coming down on some of the people. She cried out to the Lord asking, “Why aren’t there more people being touched?” Some weeks later, the weatherman mentioned that there has to be a ‘drawing’ below for the rain to come out of the clouds. The Lord immediately impressed upon her that we, likewise, need to be hungry and thirsty to be pure and holy, seeking for His glory so we can receive the glory drops. When enough of us create a sufficient drawing, His glory will fill the whole earth. Glory Drops represents the essence of the Lord’s glory falling on those who have sought His holiness and drawn it out by hungering and thirsting for Him. Like in Luke 8:46 where the woman touched the hem of the Lord’s garment and He asked, “Who touched me?” – she drew the power out of Him. In addition, they have rested in His peace and chosen to be soothed by the Lord’s awesome presence and are willing to pay the price to receive His awesome prize.

What I am sensing in all this is a confirmation of God’s call on your life to bring His glory… through your worship to be the draw that brings down the drops…

Bless you as you press in for more!

I emailed the letter ahead of the package so she would know what was coming. Her response was precious!

I am utterly overwhelmed…I am left speechless..I was brought to tears as I read your prophetic words about my bridal veil. It is such an AMAZINGLY accurate confirmation of my relationship with the Lord and His promises to me as I go after His heart and minister to Him. I was given a prophetic word recently that many lives would be transformed by my worship to the Lord and He was going to give me new songs and sounds from Heaven to express my love for Him. Thank you Jesus!

Once the package arrived to her a couple days later, she sent the following note.

As soon as I picked up the box at the front door I could feel the anointing coming from it. I opened the package and as I began to touch the veil and remove it the anointing increased and I began to feel His Manifest Presence and Glory falling. I unpacked it completely, put it on and was completely overwhelmed by His Manifest Presence and Glory. His Presence and the weight of His Glory were so heavy I felt like I could hardly breathe. I was trying to express to Jesus how I felt about Him and the veil He had chosen for me and I was having difficulty in speaking because of the weight of His Glory!

There are no words that can adequately describe how I feel about my Beloved Jesus and how Awesome He is…and that He too loves me so much to choose and download to you this beaaaaaaaaaautiful, exquisite, anointed veil. I will treasure it always and I will think of you each time I put it on to worship my Beloved Jesus.

I received a taste of His Glory Drops tonight and will continue to press in and go after His heart by ministering to Him until His Manifest Presence and Glory are with me 24-7. Thank you Jesus!

View the beaded veil on Dyed4you

4 thoughts on “Royal Glory

  1. Ahhhhh!! I love this one! One of my favorite testimonies. So powerful and I can feel what she’s talking about. I haven’t been released to order one yet, but can’t wait for the day to come.

  2. Beautiful testimony….after reading this i had a vision of falling asleep on Jesus’ lap and he was stroking my hair… was soothing…

  3. Oh Amanda C, that is SOOOOO beautiful and what a blessing!! :*-) I’m still waiting for the Lord to say OK, lol.

  4. Ahhhhh ………

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