Pictures from the Mother/Daughter pair that won one of the giveaways 🙂
Meghan!!! We got the scarves and we LOVE them! You made us cry! They were so beautiful and they smell so good! I loved the Bible verse that goes with mine. I really needed that today! You can’t imagine. This book series … oy… lol!
What we didn’t tell you was that Skye and I just blessed two people with Bible’s. She used her Christmas money and I drained our account. God used us to bless them, and He used you to bless us! Thank you SO much! I will cherish mine forever ♥ and I know Skye will too!!!
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I saw this post on facebook and read to story, so beautiful. Love how the blessed people and then they were blessed. Our God is an awesome God. I just love the pictures 🙂 The one that really touched me was the one that the lady his holding it so gentle to her face, loving on her Jesus, our precious Jesus
Just realized who this is. YAY! Love connections that are made in the kingdom and love being part of them. God is good.
Do I spy a Commanding Authority scarf?!? 😀
This is so cool and I LOVE how they match! The silks are beautiful. I totally get what they’re saying about being obedient to what God said to sow into someone, your account goes empty or you spend your gift money, but He blesses you right after in such amazing ways! So glad you both shared and I pray even more blessings to you for sowing the best of all things into another person – His Word!
@Amanda E – LOL, no but it is similar! It’s actually Trained Hands 🙂
I love your Blog! When my husband ships off to basic training, I will spend some time on here looking around. I bet you have phenominal stories on here. Thank you again for our scarves. We we will cherish them forever <3